Transformation of the West Chapter 17, pgs
Periodization : Italian Renaissance : Northern Renaissance, Reformation, Commercial Revolution : Scientific Revolution, Political change : Enlightenment
First Changes: Culture & Commerce Petrarch – writings of pride & human achievement contrast w/ previous more religious periods A New Spirit
Renaissance Italy ~urban center, commercial center~ Humanism = focus on humankind –Examples: Literature [Petrarch, Boccaccio] Art [Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo] Politics [Machiavelli] –Economic effects: new focus on profit-seeking –Political effects: new focus on general well-being 1 of 2
Renaissance Northern Renaissance ~political independence & trade decline in Med~ More religious, but humanism continues –Literature = focused on human pleasures (Shakespeare, Rabelais, Cervantes) –Politics = increased states powers & revenues (Francis I) Impact of Renaissance was limited however –Peasants’ lives unchanged –Lords still influential 2 of 2
Changes in Technology & Family New technology via contacts: –stronger iron, more efficient mining, greater literacy from Gutenberg’s printing New European-style family: –Nuclear families, later marriages, fewer children, greater emphasis on property
Protestant & Catholic Reformation Martin Luther challenges the Catholic Church –Faith = salvation –NOT: indulgences, pope, celibacy Protestantism was born –General wave of Christian religious dissent –Obvious political appeal b/c of challenge of papal authority –Ordinary people shift by rebelling against landlords 1 of 2
Protestant & Catholic Reformation After unity breached, other Protestant groups sprang forward: –Anglican: England (Henry VIII) –Calvinism: Switzerland, parts of Germany, France, low countries, England, Scotland Advocated predestination, broader participation, greater access to gov, popular education Catholic Reformation: –Catholic Church fights back, successfully in S. Europe –Jesuit order established – important missionaries in Asia & Americas 2 of 2
End of Christian Unity in West Effects of Reformation: –Religious wars Grudging & limited religious pluralism, but not liberty –Political benefits mixed –Beyond politics Less connection b/t god & nature More love b/t husband & wife Women adopt new emotional role Literacy expands
Commercial Revolution New levels of trade –Caused by inflation from Spanish silver Increased borrowing & investment → trading companies (some gov backed) → new profits & banking Colonial markets stimulate manufacturing Prosperity of commoners improves too –Average 5x more “things” than SE Europeans
Social Protest Formation of proletariat Rising population & food prices hit poor hard Increased tension b/t rich&poor Who… Blamed poor for moral failings Persecuted witches Who… Rebelled for greater equality, protection from poverty, and protection from property loss
Next Changes: Science & Politics Scientific Revolution Rise of nation-state Copernicus – 1 st step in scientific revolution –Discovered earth revolved around sun –Showed new thinking could improve on tradition Did Copernicus Copy?
Science: The New Authority Examples of scientists who followed Copernicus –Kepler –Vesalius –Galileo –Harvey –Bacon –Descartes –Newton –Locke 1 of 2
Science: The New Authority Impact of scientific revolution: –Spread of scientific knowledge –Belief in human control & understanding environment –Attacks on traditional religious ideas –Wide assumption about human progress Science = center of intellectual life for 1 st time 2 of 2
Absolute & Parliamentary Monarchies –Decline of feudal monarchy = 2 new government forms 1. Absolute Monarchy –Stopped convening feudal parliament, appointed bureaucrats, professionalized army, promoted mercantilism Example : France & to lesser extent Prussia, Habsburg 2. Parliamentary Monarchy –Central state, but monarch shared power with parliamentary representatives Example : England, Netherlands
The Nation-State Governments who increasingly ruled peoples of common culture & language –Resulted in: New loyalties & political bonds …which resulted in Commoners believing gov should act in their best interests …which resulted in New functions of gov (like economics)
The West by 1750
Political Patterns By end of period, political change drawing to close in England & France Change continued in Prussia however –Frederick the Great Warfare b/t nations continued often b/c of rivalry
Enlightenment Thought Cultural changes as result of applying rational thought to human society –Some scientific advances, but mostly social sciences –Diderot Enlightenment principles = of 2
Enlightenment Thought Popularization & changes for ordinary people –Common exchanges of ideas –Increasingly wide audiences for findings –Attitudes toward children changed Less physical punishment, more interaction & education –Family hierarchy weakened Women gain some more equality Emotional love encouraged for marriages 2 of 2
Ongoing Change in Commerce Commerce & consumerism spread to ordinary life Agriculture –New techniques –New crops Manufacturing –Shift from domestic artisans to manufacturers Commerce, ag, manufacturing combined = population explosion
Innovation & Instability Interconnection of developments in key: –Stronger gov, ag improvements, population growth, popular beliefs, economic structures, role of family Change in Europe = change in view of others –Backwards, if not uncivilized Global Connections