1 Extrusion GUI Familiarity Level Required: Lower Estimated Time Required: 30 minutes MSC.ADAMS 2005 r2
2 Topics Covered If you have any difficulties, import the “extrusion_shortcut1. bin” file and proceed from pg 10 If you have any difficulties, import the “extrusion_shortcut2.bin” file and proceed from pg 12 If you have any difficulties, import the “extrusion_shortcut3.bin” file and proceed from pg 17 If you have any difficulties, import the “extrusion_complete.bin” file and proceed from pg 19 In this tutorial you will learn how to: 1.Creating an extrusion from a b-spline 2.Creating an extrusion using the extrusion tool 3.Creating an extrusion from a curve 4.Shading your model 5.Creating a fillet 6.Creating a chamfer
3 Extrusion Problem Create 3-D extruded parts from spline, curves, points.
4 Create a Marker a.Start ADAMS (Units = MMKS, Gravity = No Gravity) b.Open the coordinate window and set the working grid spacing to 10mm for both the X and Y c.Right-click Rigid Body tool stack, select Marker d.Click origin (0,0,0), this is the starting reference for the spline. c d
5 Create a matrix element. a.Select Build menu Data Elements Matrix New b.Select length from Units pull down menu c.Select enter input ordered by rows from pull down menu d.Enter 12 in Row Count text field e.Enter 3 in Column Count text field f.Enter values g.Click OK 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -50.0, 0.0, 0.0, , 50.0, 0.0, , 150.0, 0.0, 0.0, 250.0, 0.0, 100.0, 250.0, 0.0, 200.0, 150.0, 0.0, 200.0, 50.0, 0.0, 150.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 50.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 Create Matrix Elements a b c d e f g
6 Create Curve Create a curve data element using the data entered into the matrix a.Select Build menu Data Elements Curve New b.Right click in Matrix Name text field, select ADAMS_MATRIX Guesses MATRIX_1 c.Click OK a b c
7 Create B-Spline Create b-spline geometry a.Select Tools menu Command Navigator b.Select geometry create curve bspline c.Select CURVE_1 for Ref. Curve Name d.Select MARKER_1 for Ref. marker Name e.Click OK a b c d e
8 Extrude B-Spline a.Right-click Rigid Body tool stack, select Extrusion b.Select Curve from Create profile by: pull down menu c.Click GCURVE_1 a b c
9 Hide Spline a.Right-click spline, select BSpline: GCURVE_1 Appearance b.Select Off radio button for Visibility c.Click OK c a b
10 Create Extruded Body b a a.Right-click Rigid Body tool stack, select Extrusion b.Verify that the Create profile by pull down menu is set to Points and that the Closed checkbox is on c.Click on points d.Right-click to create c X Y Z
11 Cut One Solid With Another a.Select Cut Out One Solid With Another from Rigid Body tool stack b.Click PART_2.EXTRUSION_2 c.Right-click on extrusion and select PART_3.EXTRUSION_3 c b a Note: Ignore error warning
12 Shade Model a.Click View menu Render Mode Smooth Shaded a
13 Create Arc a.Click Arc/Circle tool from Rigid Body tool stack b.Enter 180.0d in End Angle text field c.Click (30, 180, 0) d.Click (70, 180, 0) a b c d Note: Ignore error warning
14 Create Polyline a.Click Polyline from Rigid Body tool stack b.Click PART_4.ARC_7.V1 c.Click (-20, 90, 0) d.Right-click to close e.Create another polyline from PART_5.POLYLINE_8.V1 to (80, 90, 0) f.Create another polyline from PART_6.POLYLINE_9.V2 to (80, 180, 0) a b c d e
15 Create Chain Note: Ignore error warning a.Select Chain Construction geometry from Rigid Body tool stack b.Click PART_4.ARC_7 PART_5.POLYLINE_8 PART_6.POLYLINE_9 PART_7.POLYLINE_10 c.Right-click to close a b
16 Create Extrusion of Chain a.Click Tools menu Command Navigator b.Click geometry create shape extrusion c.Select MARKER_4 in Reference Marker text field d.Select CHAIN_5 in Profile Curve text field e.Enter (5cm) in Length Along Z Axis text field f.Click OK a b f e d c
17Chamfer a.Select Chamfer tool from Rigid Body tool stack b.Enter (1.0cm) in Width text field c.Click EXTRUSION_15.E29 d.Right-click to create a b c
18Fillet a.Select Fillet tool from Rigid Body tool stack b.Enter (2.0cm) in Radius text field c.Click EXTRUSION_15.E5 d.Right-click to create a b c
19 This is what your screen should look like when your model is completeModel
20 Opening/Saving database To Open a.Start Adams b.Select Open an existing database radio button c.Click OK d.Search for saved file e.Click Open To Save: a.Click File menu Save Database As b.Enter desired name in File Name text field c.Click OK b c d e a b c
21 In this tutorial, you learned how to: Topics Covered 1.Creating an extrusion from a b-spline 2.Creating an extrusion using the extrusion tool 3.Creating an extrusion from a curve 4.Shading your model 5.Creating a fillet 6.Creating a chamfer
22 Best Practices Make sure that the working grid is changed Check entered values for the parts are correct Check location and orientation of parts/points Check that the parts are referencing the proper markers