Modeling Production, Interactions and Transport Fermilab November 14, 2005 Fermilab ILC-CAL Nikolai Mokhov, Fermilab.


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Presentation transcript:

Modeling Production, Interactions and Transport Fermilab November 14, 2005 Fermilab ILC-CAL Nikolai Mokhov, Fermilab

ILC-CAL, Fermilab, November 14, 2005n/nbar modeling - N.V. Mokhov 2 OUTLINE General Purpose Event Generators and Transport Codes Neutron Production and Interactions Transport at High and Low Energies

ILC-CAL, Fermilab, November 14, 2005n/nbar modeling - N.V. Mokhov 3 GENERAL-PURPOSE CODES (2005) Criteria for this express-analysis: 1.General-purpose widely-used code. 2.Event generators with consistent soft and hard multiparticle production in hA, ( AA ),  A and  A at MeV to many TeV. 3.Full particle transport from a fraction of eV to many TeV in complex target/ accelerator/ detector/ shielding systems. 4.Codes are actively developed, supported and discussed at conferences last decade.

ILC-CAL, Fermilab, November 14, 2005n/nbar modeling - N.V. Mokhov 4 HADRONIC CODES FLUKA – INFN: DPMJET, PEANUT GEANT4 – CERN: INC, QMD MARS15 – FNAL: CEM, LAQGSM, DPMJET, Inclusive, MCNP MCNPX – LANL: Tables, CEM, no EMS, no magnetic field, work towards high energies in progress PHITS – JAERI: QMD SHIELD – INP Troitsk: INC, QGSM, no EMS, no magnetic field, simple geometry

ILC-CAL, Fermilab, November 14, 2005n/nbar modeling - N.V. Mokhov 5 SOME COMMENTS Current ‘2005 FLUKA and MARS15 are in a very good agreement with data and with each other in all applications Other codes also perform well for neutronics Antineutron yields and interactions are reasonably well understood and described by codes. E.g., DPMJET yields for 100-GeV proton on iron: 5.9 protons, 7.4 neutrons, pbars, and nbars

ILC-CAL, Fermilab, November 14, 2005n/nbar modeling - N.V. Mokhov 6 NEUTRON YIELD: GEANT4, 256-MeV p+Fe

ILC-CAL, Fermilab, November 14, 2005n/nbar modeling - N.V. Mokhov 7 NEUTRON YIELD: GEANT4, 597-MeV p+Fe

ILC-CAL, Fermilab, November 14, 2005n/nbar modeling - N.V. Mokhov 8 MARS15 EXCLUSIVE EVENT GENERATORS The improved Cascade-Exciton Model code, CEM03.01, combined with the Fermi break-up model, the coalescence model, and an improved version of the Generalized Evaporation-fission Model (GEM2) is used as a default for hadron-nucleus interactions below 5 GeV. The Los Alamos Quark-Gluon String Model code, LAQGSM03, was implemented into MARS15 for particle and heavy-ion projectiles at 10 MeV/A to 800 GeV/A. This provides a power of full theoretically consistent modeling of exclusive and inclusive distributions of secondary particles, spallation, fission, and fragmentation products. Further development of this package is underway. For quite some time, MARS has used the Dual-Parton Model code, DPMJET3,for the very first vertex in a cascade tree. This is used in our numerous studies for the LHC 7x7 TeV collider and its detectors, and at very high energies up to 100 TeV.

ILC-CAL, Fermilab, November 14, 2005n/nbar modeling - N.V. Mokhov 9 NEUTRONS IN CEM03/MARS15

ILC-CAL, Fermilab, November 14, 2005n/nbar modeling - N.V. Mokhov 10 NEUTRONS IN CEM03/MARS15

ILC-CAL, Fermilab, November 14, 2005n/nbar modeling - N.V. Mokhov 11 LAQGSM/MARS15: 0.56 and 8 GeV/A REACTIONS

ILC-CAL, Fermilab, November 14, 2005n/nbar modeling - N.V. Mokhov 12 MARS INCLUSIVE EVENT GENERATOR (1)

ILC-CAL, Fermilab, November 14, 2005n/nbar modeling - N.V. Mokhov 13 MARS INCLUSIVE EVENT GENERATOR (2)

ILC-CAL, Fermilab, November 14, 2005n/nbar modeling - N.V. Mokhov 14 INCLUSIVE NUCLEON PRODUCTION IN MARS15 MARS15 vs data

ILC-CAL, Fermilab, November 14, 2005n/nbar modeling - N.V. Mokhov 15 MARS15: NEUTRON ELASTIC SCATTERING

ILC-CAL, Fermilab, November 14, 2005n/nbar modeling - N.V. Mokhov 16 MARS15 NEUTRON AND NBAR X-SECTIONS

ILC-CAL, Fermilab, November 14, 2005n/nbar modeling - N.V. Mokhov 17 NEUTRON SPECTRA FOR 2-GEV ELECTRON BEAM

ILC-CAL, Fermilab, November 14, 2005n/nbar modeling - N.V. Mokhov 18 NEUTRON YIELD FROM LEAD CYLINDER

ILC-CAL, Fermilab, November 14, 2005n/nbar modeling - N.V. Mokhov 19 MARS, FLUKA and other codes for in thick targets and shielding at 0.8, 10 and 50 GeV

ILC-CAL, Fermilab, November 14, 2005n/nbar modeling - N.V. Mokhov 20 Introducing JQMD in P HI T S : H. Iwase J. Nucl. Sci.Technol. 39 (2002) 1142 Results of PHITS JQMD-2 Neutron Spectra from Thick Target JQMD code in P HI T S

ILC-CAL, Fermilab, November 14, 2005n/nbar modeling - N.V. Mokhov 21 E p =12GeV Cu:1mm t 4° 45° 90° 120° MCNPX PHITS calculated by N. Matsuda DDX of Secondary Particles p(12GeV) + Cu -> neutron neutron Matsuda (1)

ILC-CAL, Fermilab, November 14, 2005n/nbar modeling - N.V. Mokhov 22 calculated by H. Ohnishi. in Dr. thesis Depth Dose Distribution in Cu 10cm radius Ohnishi (2)

ILC-CAL, Fermilab, November 14, 2005n/nbar modeling - N.V. Mokhov 23 calculated by H. Ohnishi. in Dr. thesis Depth Dose Distribution in Cu 10cm radius Ohnishi (3)