Course Review FORE 3218 Course Review Sampling Inventories Growth and yield
Course Review FORE 3218 Course Introduction What are forest measurements? Why measure forest resources? What are the types and scales of measurements? Can you identify them?
Course Review FORE 3218 Statistical Methods Bias, accuracy, and precision Calculating probabilities Population vs sample Parameter and variable Meaning and types of frequency distribution Measures of average population variables; Know to calculate them Measures of dispersion and their calculations Meaning and calculation of confidence limits
Course Review FORE 3218 Elementary sampling Why sampling? Definitions of sample, sampling unit, and sampling frame Advantages and disadvantages of selective, simple random, and systematic sampling methods Procedures of a simple random sampling How to estimate population parameters from a simple random sample? Sampling intensity? How to determine and what are the factors influencing its determination? Why systematic sampling?
Course Review FORE 3218 Stratified random sampling How is it similar to and different from simple random sampling? Why, when, and how do we use it? How to calculate the mean, measures of dispersion, and confidence limit from a stratified random sample?
Course Review FORE 3218 Regression and ratio estimation What is regression? What are the meaning of b0 and b1 in a linear regression? How do you measure the fit of a regression? Purpose of regression estimation as a sampling method? When can we use it? How regression estimation is compared with simple random sampling? Meaning of ratio estimation?
Course Review FORE 3218 Sampling Elementary sampling methods: –selective, simple random, and systematic Stratified random sampling Regression and ratio estimation Double sampling, cluster, and sampling for discrete variables What are their characteristics? Can you calculate simple statistics? –mean and dispersion –sample size determination Can you give some examples?
Course Review FORE 3218 Inventories Why do we do inventories? What are the types of inventories, how are they different? What does inventory planning involve? What is Ontario Forest Resource Inventory for? How is it done?
Course Review FORE 3218 Inventory with fixed-area plots or strips Line-plot system cruising –How is done? –Can you determine line distance or space between plots with known sampling density? Permanent sample plots –What is it for? –How is normally done? –Why do not we establish more PSPs?
Course Review FORE 3218 Inventory with point samples What are factors affecting the probability of tallying a tree? Basal area factor (BAF) –What is it? –What affects the BAF of a prism? –How could you determine the BAF of a prism? Plot radius factor –What does it mean? –How can it be calculated? Why each tallied tree represents the same basal area on a per-unit- area basis? Calculations for point samples –Determination of stand basal area, stand density, and stand volume?
Course Review FORE 3218 Growth and Yield Site productivity Stocking and density Tree-growth and stand-table projection Growth and yield models Structural diversity
Course Review FORE 3218 Site Productivity What is site quality? How you may determine site quality in different situations?
Course Review FORE 3218 Stand Density and Stocking Definition of stand density and stocking Types of measurements How are they measured at the stand level? How is point density measured?
Course Review FORE 3218 Tree-Growth and Stand-table Projection Relationships between growth and yield Relationships between current annual growth rate, periodic annual growth rate, and mean annual growth rate
Course Review FORE 3218 Growth and Yield Models Definition of growth and yield Relationships between growth and yield What are the measures of growth and yield? What are the types of growth and yield models and their attributes? How many models have you heard?
Course Review FORE 3218 Stand Structural Diversity Definition How it can be classified? How can it be quantified?
Course Review FORE 3218 What are measured in the final exam? How well you understood lectures, including classroom examples Whether you could accomplish your lab assignments independently Whether you have done your assignments (reading and excises)
Course Review FORE 3218 Good luck!