Portal Support for Communities of Interest In Ireland NUIGalway Ina O’Murchu Stefan Decker
Benefits of a Community Portal Increased opportunities for networking Explicit Relationships Availability of jobs, opportunities Availability of local information layer
Structure OutReach Center Community NUI Galway Community Portal OutReach Center
Conventional Systems FOAF (the Original) Friendster – LinkedIn -
Fixed Relationship Community is hard to evolve – Interests and Opportunities evolve Growing groups form subgroups
Explicit Ontology Explicit Ontology makes it possible to tailor portal to specific irish needs and interest groups Deriving of Ontology in a Knowedge Engineering session
Evolving Communities Community evolves Expressed through terms (Ontology) Research topics: – Emerging Semantics Derive Ontology out of User Interaction – Evolution of Ontologies Change of Interests – Emerging, evolving communities Adapt links and community based on Ontologies
Digital Ireland – but real Community!