CLS333,,,E XP.8 S ERUM C REATININE Definition: Creatinine is a breakdown product of creatine, which is an important part of muscle.
Creatinine levels also vary according to a person's size and muscle mass. Females usually have a lower creatinine than males Types of tests on creatinine: There are 3 types of tests on creatinine level can be done: To measure glomerular filtration rate.
1. Blood creatinine level. 2. Creatinine clearance test (Levels of 24-hour urine creatinine are evaluated with blood levels as part of a creatinine clearance test.creatinine clearance test 3. Blood-urea nitrogen: creatinine ratio.
Q UANTITATIVE DETERMINATION OF CREATININE : Principle: Creatinine + alkaline picrate red complex Clinical significance; Elevate creatinine level may be indicative of renal problems. Low blood levels of creatinine are not common
Procedure; blankStd. sample WR (ml)111 Standard (µl)100 Sample (µl)100