Wednesday 24 th September
Important Days Homework: Out on Friday back on Tuesday. PE (full kits needed for all sessions) Indoor on Tuesday. Outdoor on Thursday. Spellings and times tables Out on Tuesday, test next Tuesday. Home reading 10 minutes each day, record in records.
Homework Choose one item from the grid on a Friday. Bring in the work on a Tuesday for marking or showing.
Spellings These go out each Tuesday (sorry for the mix-up on the first week!) and are tested the following Tuesday. The results from that are used to adapt the groups that they are asked to learn the next week.
Times Tables Times tables are important in year 3. Each week they will be asked to practise and learn a new tables up to 12x). These will be tested each Tuesday.
Home Reading Books will be chosen when they are finished. Please try to listen to your child read each day and complete their reading diary with the date, pages read and any comments about the way they have read.
Autumn Term Our topic this term is Looe and how fishing plays an important role in the life of the town. Over the course of the term we will be looking at: Looking at the history of Looe and fishermen. Hopefully a trip into Looe and possibly to the Tate at St Ives to help with our art. The life of a fisherman and what it entails. Contrasting fishing between Looe and Sierra Leone. What happens to the fish that is landed at Looe.
Literacy Writing a letter of complaint to Nelson the seal! Beat the monster (Iron Man)
Maths The children have been placed into two classes depending on ability. They will be covering the same topics at the same time but at different levels to let the children who need support receive it and those that need a challenge, to receive it. They are looked at regularly and children will be given work appropriate to their level.