Under Roosevelt: _______________________ Too conservative = problems Problems w/ tariffs: Result: Secretary of War No “presidential bully” like Roosevelt– also did little to subdue troublesome members of his own party. House- Payne Bill- lowered rates on imports Senate- Aldrich Bill- increased rates Compromise- Payne- Aldrich Tariff- only moderated the rates. - abandoned Progressive idea.
Joseph Cannon- Election of Political Boss from Illinois- Chairman of House Rules Comm.-- weakened or ignored Progressive Bills. House decided to keep Cannon out of committee. Republican party split – Democrats gained control of House 1 st time in 18 yrs.
Republicans split= Called for: Progressive Party/Bull Moose Direct election of senators, women’s suffrage, workmen’s comp, 8 hr. workday, minimum wage for women, federal law against child labor.
Wilson supported a Progressive Platform Wilson’s quote on the election: Election Results: “New Freedom”- stronger anti-trust laws, banking reform& reduced tariffs. “Don’t interfere when the enemy is destroying itself” 42% of popular vote- overwhelming victory in electoral college.