Welcome Back! We are getting new seats, before we write in our calendars. Period 3: Go to the “While You Were Gone” file – Tahoma Anthony Happy Tuesday! Hope you’re enjoying the rain!
Welcome Back! We are getting new seats, before we write in our calendars. Period 7: Go to the “While You Were Gone” file – Jenna Eileen Happy Tuesday! Hope you’re enjoying the rain!
Calendar Tues., 8/19 Topic: The Discovery of the Cell Homework: Finish pg. 20 Get out Calendar (yellow planner) Pencil & colors Comp book Highlighter & glue Ruler (if you’re picky about straight lines) To Do 1.Open to pg. 17 in comp book. 2.Get out your materials. Check your ISN Here’s a quick review of what’s in your notebook: 1 - Student page 2-15 – Pages from the teacher 16 – Summary (writing it today) 17 – Genetic Technologies 18 – [save until unit ends] 19 - Pretest
Genetic Technologies Yesterday, we learned about 3 new genetic technologies Pet cloning Choosing your baby’s genes Studying animal DNA to cure human disease
One pet cat has been cloned, and other animals have been cloned, too. Women with cancer genes are trying to have babies without cancer genes, by choosing embryos without cancer genes. There is a unique set of DNA in dogs with eczema that might help us cure eczema in humans.
What are some examples of how genetic technology can be used to help humankind? (Write 2+ sentences) (Use your notes on pg. 17)
Mystery Object What is it called? Where did it come from? What is it made of? What would it look like under a microscope?
A Cork Under a Microscope Look at the picture. What does it look like? Who drew it? (2:02-3:59) atch?v=4OpBylwH9DU
Robert Hooke Mark the text Number paragraphs Circle key words Highlight/underline important information
Robert Hooke Glue article like booklet to pg.21 On the white surface of the booklet, draw Cornell notes. In the notes section, copy down everything you underlined/highlighted.
Discovery of the Cell On pg. 20… Who was Robert Hooke? What did he discover? How did he discover it? What did it look like? Where can we find them?
“Wanted Poster” for Robert Hooke (picture, description of him) or Paragraph (5 sentences + an original drawing) On pg. 20… Who was Robert Hooke? What did he discover? How did he discover it? What did it look like? Where can we find them?