Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service
Wednesday November 13 DAY 3
Attention students wanting to participate in PJAS in science or math: You must see Mrs. Benedik in Room G24 this week to get a form for participation in PJAS. The online registration system is now open for your project. Be sure to meet the deadlines for registration and print out all needed forms. See Mrs. Benedik with any questions
There will be a Swim Team Meeting for Parents and Swim Team Members on Thursday Night November 14 at 7:30pm in the Cafe. Coach Skirboll and Coach White will be there to go over the up coming season.
There will be a Today's Girls Tomorrow's Women meeting Thursday after school in room 209 There will be a Today's Girls Tomorrow's Women meeting Thursday after school in room 209
There will be a meeting for any student who would like to Bowl for Oakland Catholic. The meeting will be in the cafeteria on Wednesday, November 13 at 2:35.
Come to French Club because we will be making berets! IT’S GOING TO BE SUPER RAD. THERE WILL BE FOOD. Bring Decorating Supplies! Berets will be provided. Thursday, November 14 Room 208
The Anatomy Club will meet on Thursday, Nov.14th after school in the Lecture Hall.Our guest speaker will be Dr. Lilienthal. We will also be ordering T-shirts.
College Visits – Week of November 11 Tuesday, November 12 Wheeling Jesuit University Wednesday, November 13 Carnegie Mellon University Thursday, November 14 Virginia Polytechnic Institute Point Park University
Contracts for Student Council's Semi- Formal throwback dance will be available during all lunch period beginning Wednesday November 13! Forms must be completed before you can get a ticket! Contracts for Student Council's Semi- Formal throwback dance will be available during all lunch period beginning Wednesday November 13! Forms must be completed before you can get a ticket!
Attention seniors: The yearbook deadlines are fast approaching. You must submit your baby picture online by November 25th. No photos will be accepted late. Also, you must inform Hills Studios which photo to submit to the yearbook by December 1st to be included. See Mrs Flynn or Mrs. Haslett with any questions. The yearbook deadlines are fast approaching. You must submit your baby picture online by November 25th. No photos will be accepted late. Also, you must inform Hills Studios which photo to submit to the yearbook by December 1st to be included. See Mrs Flynn or Mrs. Haslett with any questions.
Any Student trying-out for a winter sport needs to have their Sports Physical Forms in by November 18 or they cannot practice.
French Club Meeting!! (BYOB) Build Your Own Beret When: November 2:45 Where: Mrs.Kasuinc’s French room We’ll be bedazzling and decorating French berets Anyone is welcome! Bring materials for decorating, but berets will be supplied. For more info, contact Andrea DelGrande, Olivia Rauktis, or Mrs. Kasunic
Submit to F o r t é Are you an ARTIST? Are you a photographer, a poet, a doodler, an author, a dancer, a painter? Then submit your art, whatever it may be, to FORTE, OC’s Art and Literary Magazine Drop off submissions in Room 208 or send scanned or video submissions to Our theme this year is PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE Deadline for Submissions is November 15th
Attention seniors: There is an extension on the deadline to submit your baby photos. They are due by November 25 th. Please follow the instructions in your for submitting them online See Mrs. Haslett or Mrs. Flynn with any questions.
The cheerleaders will have their first competition of the season on, November 16 at the Peterson Events Center. Their performance time is 3:10pm. Good luck girls!!
All JOA Scholars MUST check their daily for the next couple of weeks!
Student Council's Thanksgiving turkey fundraiser begins today in the cafeteria! Each class has their own turkey! Bring a quarter to lunch, buy a feather for your turkey, and help your class have the most feathers by Thanksgiving break! The class with the most decorated turkey will earn spirit points!