Job Performance Requirement 14-2 Shoulder Carry
JPR 14-2A A The shoulder carry is useful for operations when firefighters will carry a ladder a good distance. The tip firefighter controls the operation and gives the commands. With the ladder flat on the ground, the two firefighters position themselves, facing opposite the direction of travel (facing the tip) on one side of the ladder beam. One is at the tip and one is at the butt.
JPR 14-2B B On command, both firefighters squat down and grasp a rung and raise the ladder to stand on one beam.
JPR 14-2C C In unison, the firefighters lift the ladder using their legs for the power maneuver.
JPR 14-2D D Both firefighters pivot in unison toward the direction of travel (facing the butt), place their free arm through the space between two rungs, and place the underside of the upper beam to rest on their shoulders.
JPR 14-2E E The hand of the arm that was inserted through the rungs reaches to the next rung forward and grasps it.