Capacity and Service to Road Users Task 05: To optimise the capacity of the road network Mike Wilson, Bristol 27 January 2006
2 Priority List TD OPERATIONS
3 TASK O5 Task: To optimise the use of the capacity of the road network Goals: The objective of this work shall be to inform NRAs of ways of making better use of their road network, and to identify where collective action by CEDR could support these aims
4 Task O1 vs O5 Definition of network operations i.r.t. provision of services; What is required for network operations? (traffic management and information, traffic analysis, asset management, organisation,..) How does it interact with the customer? Is there a comprehensive framework/approach for network operations? Focus to (traffic, infra) measures that influence the capacity of the road network; Are there specific measures that support network management? What is the impact of a combination of measures?; Are measures applicable in all countries or are there constraints? (legal, traffic, organisation,..) Is there a ‘generic’ approach to develop a set of measures for network management scenario’s based on traffic policies?;
5 Yesterday ? Infrastructure, vehicles, drivers, passengers, on-road services, regulations, environment, interoperability… Mobility, sustainability, safety requirements + possible measures and technologies + issues ‘New System’
6 Measures and Technologies Managing demand –Traffic and travel information, planned events, road user charging Managing the infrastructure –Performance management, network condition, roadworks Managing traffic (physical measures) –Dynamic speed, traffic control, road geometry, reversible lanes, ramp metering, enforcement, special lanes, hard shoulder running
7 Measures and Technologies 2 Managing on-road services –Incident management, strategic partnerships, vehicle recovery, welfare arrangements Managing interoperability –Managing interfaces, special lanes Managing investment –Contract types, performance measurement, incentivised delivery
8 Emerging role in incident management Customers first – the journey is important New role for road administrations –Information and incident support –Police and Fire focussed on their role Flexible investment
9 The Traffic Manager Role in UK Development of incident support units and network control centres Transfer of roles and responsibilities from the police to the Highways Agency Highways Agency taking an active role in managing incident-related congestion on the network
10 Highways Agency’s developing role Journey reliability targets driving the Highways Agency into new areas –Providing a catalyst for change –Integrating asset improvement, management and operation But…. –is the organisation equipped for this new role?
11 Task O5 Where are the holes in knowledge/ understanding? Where can we add benefit? –Results from questionnaire –Discussion with PIARC What else is being done?
12 Other Work –C4 ‘Optimising the existing interurban road network’ –‘Traffic Incident Response Practices in Europe’ –‘Planning for and designing freeways for congestion management’ June 06 –Incident management ‘Compendium of Best practice’ STREETWISE –???????
13 Task 05 Phase 1 – Incident Management –Role of NRA in incident management, driving continuous improvement in incident management to deliver NRA objectives Phase 2 – Special Vehicle Lanes –Design and use of special vehicle lanes including: high occupancy, freight, PSV and cycle –Report on case studies where lanes have been used, benefits realised and recommendations where tools might be used
14 Next Steps Draft task specification and programme agreed with working group Commission consultant support Deliver programme
15 Major incidents?