Clinical Expectations / Team Designs Kendall Rogers
What are you wondering about? Dealing with other services, disputes Gold/Silver Team Structures, admitting cycles, Supervision and mid-level roles Attending responsibilities, PALS
Progression Initial Clinical FTE Adding Quality FTE Adding Education FTE
Vacation If you are.7 to.85 clinical, vacation is built into your schedule – you must take 21 days during the year unless you make arrangements for more clinical
Supervising Medical Student Oversight – Sub-Interns Resident Oversight – Call Day – Procedures Special Trainees Mid-Level Oversight
Resident Teams Call Cycle Team Structures
Attending’s Role on the Wards Coach Mentor Educator
PALS Calls Service to the state/Use it yourself! Establish what service cannot be done there – Confirm with specialists Ensure appropriate service and level of care Ask for agreement to accept patient back Calling back on day of transfer Transfers due to patient preference Sometimes just calling for advice
Rounding Day Structure Starting time Running list with CM Rounds Educational Sessions When resident/intern is off – Covering patients – Checking out to OCD
Tips on Wards Learn who you need to know Call other attendings for recs Transfers should be attending to attending
Call Days Being available Get involved when overwhelmed – Take student and do admission Day Call – round in evening Night Call – rounds at 6:30
Documentation and Coding Turn in coded patient list each day H&Ps and DC Summaries should be signed within 48 hrs, be sure residents finalize them Progress notes should be signed within 24 hrs MRANs should be done on all patients unless dictated by upper level resident
Courses for the Wards TED Workshops – How People Learn – How to Be an Effective Inpatient Attending – Constructive Feedback: Developing Skills & Overcoming Barriers Teaching on the Wards: Strategies for Success Other Courses – PBL Facilitation Education (Tutor Training) – The Art of Lecturing & Making Presentations
Resident Expectations R3 R2 R1
Student Expectations Phase II Sub-Intern
Evaluations Medical Students Residents Your evaluations
Service Agreements Find them on the wiki, help to decide where patients should be admitted
Gold/Silver Team Admitting Times Caps Overflow
Process Improvement Stop and fix things Make a list
Wiki and Online