Concept of Multimedia Steps in Multimedia Development Introduction to Presentation Software Starting Presentation Software Lesson 13
Presentation Software :: Concept of Multimedia :: Steps in Multimedia Development :: Introduction to Presentation Software :: Starting Presentation Software
Objective At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: a)State the concept of Multimedia. b)State the steps in multimedia development: Analysis, Design (Storyboard), Implementation, Testing, Evaluation, Publishing c)State the usage of presentation software. d)Start presentation software. e)State the steps of starting presentation software. f) State and identify features in the presentation software and demonstrate understanding of user interface.
Objective At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: g)State the main toolbars in the presentation software: Standard bar, Formatting bar. Drawing bar, Task Pane bar, Slide design, Slide layout h) List icons in the Standard, Formatting, Drawing and Task Pane toolbars. i) State the function of icons in the Standard, Formatting, Drawing and Task Pane toolbars.
Concept of Multimedia What is Multimedia? Any combination of various media such as text, graphics, audio, video and animation that is delivered by computer.
Concept of Multimedia Multimedia Elements Text Graphic AudioVideo Animation Ab cd e
Steps in Multimedia Development Implemen- tation Design Analysis Testing and evaluation Publishing
Steps in Multimedia Development 1 – Analysis Determine: a)Project goals b)User c)Project requirements a)Market position
Steps in Multimedia Development 2 – Design a)Sketch storyboard : Graphic outline of project interface and brief description of the content. b)Budget and schedule: Details of cost and work timeline.
Steps in Multimedia Development 3 – Implementation a)Developing the product as being planned in design phases by using multimedia software.
Steps in Multimedia Development 4 – Testing and Evaluation a)Aims for user content review and functional testing. b)To ensure the product being developed work as expected.
Steps in Multimedia Development 5 – Publishing Packaging/Distribution : a)Print CD-ROM packaging and collateral materials b)Assemble and prepare for distribution c)Distribute to the end user Safuan Sanini
Types of Presentation software PowerPoint Microsoft Office Apple Keynote latest Mac OS X Corel Presentation WordPerfect Office suite
Lotus Freelance Graphics For Windows and OS/2 Types of Presentation software OpenOffice/NeoOffice/ StarOffice Impress Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, or Sun SolarisMac OS X Lotus Symphony Presentations Windows and Mac
Types of Presentation software SoftMakerPresentations Windows CE &Pocket PC Ability Presentations Windows GoBe Productive Windows
Types of Presentation software Thinkfree Show Windows, Mac OS & Unix-like Kpresenter Unix-like Prologue SundayPlus Mac and Windows
Usage Of Presentation Software Help structure your presentation Outline the main points you wish to make Help in showing visual information such as graphs, tablets, and charts Display images Present bulleted lists to highlight key points Display graphics, sound, and video clips
Launch the Power Point Presentation Click Start, All Programs and Microsoft Office. Choose Microsoft Office PowerPoint A screen will be display. It is the interface of Power Point Presentation. There are Menu bar and Toolbars on the top of the window.
Menu barToolbarTask PaneTitle bar
Function of icon in the standard bar
To create new blank document To save file Print preview To cut or remove selection To paste Undo - Reverses the last command To copy selected item Redo - Reverses the action of Undo
To open or find a file To print the active file To auto check of spelling, grammar and writing style To insert a table into the document Zoom - Enlarge or reduce the display
Function of icon in the formatting bar
Select the style Changes text / number size Italic Aligns to the left Aligns to the right Changes the font types Makes selected text and numbers bold Underlines selected text and numbers Apply shadow formatting to text
To make a numbered list Indent to the previous tab stop To color selected text Increase or decrease font size Center the selected text Bullets Indents to the next tab stop Shows slide design templates Insert a new slide in your show
Functions Of The Icon In Drawing Bar
A pull down menu with several drawing options To rotates To draw line To draw a rectangle Changes the pointer to a selection arrow A pull down menu with several drawing options To draw arrow line To draw oval shape
Draws a text box Selects dash style for dashed lines To color the selected text To fill color in the selected object Create text effects with Word Art Add, modify, or remove line color Changes the thickness of lines Select shape of arrowhead
A pull down menu offers shadow choices To insert picture Insert clip art Insert a diagram or organization chart Add 3-d effects to rectangles or ovals Select arrow style; placement and shape of arrowhead
Click ‘Format’ on the Menu bar. You will see the Slide Design, Slide Layout and background as shown above