Salesforce 2000 Co-op Advertising
Co-operative Advertising What is co-op? Recognising co-op ads. The benefits of co-op to retailers, manufacturers and the newspaper. What does co-op do for retailers? Who are the best prospects for co-op?
A Definition of Co-op Advertising Is “The retailer and manufacturer sharing the cost of advertising a product or products to their mutual benefit.”
The Key Ingredients of a Co-op Ad Are: Retailer’s name Manufacturer’s name Product
What Does Co-op Advertising Do for a Retailers Business? Co-op advertising is image building and product moving advertising for a retailer by linking his name with the manufacturers well known brand name.
Some of the Benefits of Co-op Advertising to the Retailer Bigger ads - same money Provides good artwork and copy Saves time and money Builds image and fights competition Gives specific product promotion Supplements annual product programme Brands are good for reputation
To the Manufacturer Sales increase Better exposure Shared cost with retailer Supports field sales force Supports national campaign Reduces competition with other competitors Increases reader loyalty Spin-off in other calls
To the Newspaper New source of revenue (ie. National who would not normally use regional press) Retailers who object to cost can now afford it Larger and more frequent ads Boosts job satisfaction Targets easier to achieve Larger ads can produce better response and repeat business
Best Retail Co-op Prospects Electrical goods Fashion Gardening Furniture Sport DIY Opticians Security/crime prevention September/October Autumn/spring End of December Spring Autumn/spring
Best Retail Prospects (contd) Computers Mobile communications Agriculture Holidays/travel Late summer, Jan/Feb No pattern established yet Autumn/spring Late summer
Recas Retail co-operative advertising system
What is Recas? A database of over 2700 companies who provide co-op funding for suppliers.