Practice Session 1 1.Hyperlink the three views of Slide no 2 with corresponding slide no. given in the presentation. 2.Hyperlink Back button given in each slide to slide no 2. 3.Remove the slide no Save the Slide in ADVPPTEX1.pptx
POWERPOINT SLIDE VIEWS Microsoft PowerPoint is one of the most popular presentation software. PowerPoint slide views are used while creating and editing a presentation. There are three slide view buttons located in the lower left corner of the presentation window which are: Normal View Slide Sorter View Slide Show View
Normal View Microsoft PowerPoint is one of the most popular presentation software. PowerPoint slide views are used while creating and editing a presentation. There are three slide view buttons located in the lower left corner of the presentation window which are:
Slide Sorter View This view displays all the slides in a presentation as thumbnails in the slide pane. This view is usually used for organizing a presentation by rearranging, copying or deleting slides.
Slide Show View This view displays the slide on full screen. This view is used to see the slides on full monitor screen with various animation and transition effects applied, as they would appear during an actual presentation