Test Yourself Colonial Times
1. What is an indentured servant? A.A slaveA slave B.A person who pays someone back by working for them, and then they are freeA person who pays someone back by working for them, and then they are free C.An apprenticeAn apprentice D.A person who pays to bring someone to the colonyA person who pays to bring someone to the colony
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2. People from these countries lived in colonial New York. A.Asia, India, Spain, and FranceAsia, India, Spain, and France B.France, China, Mexico, AfricaFrance, China, Mexico, Africa C.Great Britain, Africa, Germany, FranceGreat Britain, Africa, Germany, France D.Great Britain, Mexico, China, JapanGreat Britain, Mexico, China, Japan
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3. Which is not a reason people came to the colonies? A.as part of the slave trades part of the slave trade B.hoping to find landoping to find land C.hoping to find workoping to find work D.looking for an easy, work free lifeooking for an easy, work free life
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4. Which is not an example of a service job? A.ship buildership builder B.postmanpostman C.nursenurse D.teacherteacher
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5. A group of people who make decisions A.merchantsmerchants B.slavesslaves C.indentured servantsindentured servants D.assemblyassembly
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6. An apprentice… A.works with a more skilled person to learn a skill or craftworks with a more skilled person to learn a skill or craft B.a person chosen to represent people in the assemblya person chosen to represent people in the assembly C.a person who buys and sells goods to make moneya person who buys and sells goods to make money D.a person forced to work for someone and is owned by that persona person forced to work for someone and is owned by that person
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7. A large piece of land owned by one landowner. People paid rent for living on this land to the owner in crops A.apprenticeapprentice B.delegatedelegate C.manormanor D.petitionpetition
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8. All of these statements about Great Britain taking over New Amsterdam are true except… A.The king of England, felt he had the right to the colony because of John Cabot’s voyagesThe king of England, felt he had the right to the colony because of John Cabot’s voyages B.The king gave the colony to the “Duke of York”The king gave the colony to the “Duke of York” C.The Duke sent war ships to the colony and there was a battle between England’s navy and the Dutch colonistsThe Duke sent war ships to the colony and there was a battle between England’s navy and the Dutch colonists D.Colonists signed a petition asking Stuyvesant to surrenderColonists signed a petition asking Stuyvesant to surrender
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9. Which statement is true about slavery in colonial New York? A.The slave population decreased (went down) because salvery was illegal in New York.The slave population decreased (went down) because salvery was illegal in New York. B.The popluation increased (went up) because many Africans came willingly to the colonies.The popluation increased (went up) because many Africans came willingly to the colonies. C.The population increased because so many Africans were brought to New York as part of the slave trade.The population increased because so many Africans were brought to New York as part of the slave trade. D.The population decreased because so many slaves had escaped.The population decreased because so many slaves had escaped.
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10. Enslaved people tried to gain their freedom by all of the following except… A.escaping to Native America landsescaping to Native America lands B.voting to make slavery against the lawvoting to make slavery against the law C.planning to revoltplanning to revolt D.buying their freedombuying their freedom
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11. Which of these lists might be the skills an apprentice might learn? A.tailor, carpenter, shoemaker, printerailor, carpenter, shoemaker, printer B.tailor, governor, printer, shoemakerailor, governor, printer, shoemaker C.governor, carpenter, shoemaker,tailorovernor, carpenter, shoemaker,tailor D.carpenter, tailor, printer, law-makerarpenter, tailor, printer, law-maker
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12. Which of these is not true about how life was different in colonial times than today? A.less students went to collegeess students went to college B.schools and teachers were paid for by each familychools and teachers were paid for by each family C.there was running water, and showershere was running water, and showers D.children had to work to help the familyhildren had to work to help the family
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13. What was a merchant? A.someone who buys and sells goods to make moneyomeone who buys and sells goods to make money B.someone who prints newspapersomeone who prints newspapers C.someone who owns a farmomeone who owns a farm D.someone who fixes toolsomeone who fixes tools
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14. How many months a year did children attend school after Great Britain took over the colony? A.tenten B.sixsix C.threethree D.ninenine
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15. Which list shows items that were made from natural resources found in New York? A.sugar, wheat, beefugar, wheat, beef B.wheat, sugar, maple syrupheat, sugar, maple syrup C.wheat, wood, beefheat, wood, beef D.beef, sugar, woodeef, sugar, wood
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