Water General Direction. Canary Islands Government. Spain Water advanced technical experience in the Canary Islands Juan Carlos Ibrahim Perera
THE CANARY ISLANDS EXPERIENCE Summary 1. HYDROLOGIC PLANNING Resources evaluation Offered and demanded water evolution 2. NEW WATER TECHNOLOGIES Advanced technical experience New Technologies 3. CONCLUSIONS
Demanded water evolution URBANA: Fresh water urban consumption TOURIST: Fresh water tourist consumption INDUST: Industrial consumption AGRIC: Agriculture consumption
Offering water evolution REUT: Reuse water (Regenerated waste water) DES M: Desalinated sea water DES S: Desalinated brackish water SUBT: Underground water SUPERF: Surface water
Not conventional water evolution DS PRIV: Private desalination brackish water DS PUBL: Public desalination brackish water DM PRIV: Private desalination seawater DM PUBL: Public desalination seawater REUT: Reused water (In waste water plants)
Las Palmas M.E.D Desalination Plant
Lanzarote IV turbopumps
Turbopump train with Pelton
ADVANCED TREATMENTS WASTEWATER REUSE FILTERED PROCESSES WITH WATER FROM THE SECONDARY TREATMENT - Classical: Físico – chemical + sand filtered - Membranes * Submerged in tanks (extracción al vacío) * Inside pressure vessels SUBMERGED IN THE BIOREACTOR (M.B.R.) - Ultrafiltration membranes * Hollow fiber * Flat sheet membranes
Las Palmas II (Ultrafiltration Norit)
It is in agreetment with the normatives from: World Health Organization for unlimited irrigation water International Maritime Organization for bacteriological limits Europe Directive for swimming water Title 22 California reuse criterials for water reuse Water product quality limits: S.S. < 5 ppm Turbidity < 2 NTU Escherichia coli < 100 ufc/100ml Waste water membranes technologies processes
CONCLUSIONS The Canary experience during the last 40 years is a proof of how the new technologies can guarantee the quantity and quality of the not conventional resources The actual Canary Islands Hydrologic Balance has been done adding not conventional resources to the natural system During the next years the production of sea water and reused water will continue increasing This stage includes a great energy dependence The evolution of the new technologies will surely suppose less specific energy consumptions These new technologies will surely reduce the enviromental water quality limits for the waster water plants product