RTD-B.4 - Regions of Knowledge and Research Potential Regional Dimension of the 7th Framework Programme « RESEARCH POTENTIAL » « CAPACITIES » SPECIFIC PROGRAMME - Objectives and Activities - Dr. M. KAYAMANIDOU
RTD-B.4 - Regions of Knowledge and Research Potential OBJECTIVES to stimulate the realisation of the full research potential of the enlarged Union by unlocking and developing the research potential in the EU’s convergence regions and outermost regions to strengthen the capacities of their researchers to successfully participate in research activities at EU level
RTD-B.4 - Regions of Knowledge and Research Potential Expected impact Upgrading the RTD capacity (human potential: number of new researchers and training of all research staff, scientific equipment) and the quality of research carried out by the selected research entity; Better integration of the selected research team in the European Research Area as a whole (partnership, including twinning with research groups elsewhere in Europe); Improvement of the capacity of its participation in FP7 projects. Better regional research capacity to improve economic and social cohesion.
RTD-B.4 - Regions of Knowledge and Research Potential Indicative Budget & 2007 WP Indicative budget 2007 – 2013 : 340 M€ Estimated total budget allocation 2007 : 25 M€ (+ 8 M€) Call FP7-REGPOT M€ Call FP7-REGPOT M€ Call FP7-REGPOT M€ ( Third appropriations ) Call FP7-REGPOT M€ The REGPOT and ROK Advisory Groups, experts & stakeholders are main contributors in the 2007 WP
RTD-B.4 - Regions of Knowledge and Research Potential CONVERGENCE REGIONS: Regions eligible for financing by the Structural Funds ( ) under objective « convergence » - whose per capita gross domestic product (GDP) is less than 75 % of the average GDP of the EU-25. OUTERMOST REGIONS: Regions defined by art. 299§2 of EC Treaty - Canary Islands (ES), - Guadeloupe, Guyane, Martinique, Réunion (FR), - Azores & Madeira (PT) Subject to Agreements associating third countries to the 7th EC Framework Programme, other regions may become eligible for participation; the eligible regions would be defined in the Association Agreements. What are…….
RTD-B.4 - Regions of Knowledge and Research Potential Eligible Regions in Greece (Convergence Objective) Anatoliki Makedonia, Thraki Thessalia Ipeiros Ionia Nisia Dytiki Ellada Poloponnisos Voreio Aigaio Kriti Kentriki Makedonia Dytiki Makedonia Attiki
RTD-B.4 - Regions of Knowledge and Research Potential MAIN ACTIVITIES REGPOT Unlocking and developing the research potential in the EU’s convergence and outermost regions REGPOT Providing evaluation facilities for research organisations in the EU’s convergence and outermost regions REGPOT International cooperation focused on Western Balkan Countries REGPOT Transnational cooperation among NCPs
RTD-B.4 - Regions of Knowledge and Research Potential REGPOT Unlocking and developing the research potential in the EU’s convergence and outermost regions Activities Exchange of know-how and experience through trans-national two-way secondments of research staff between the selected centres in the qualifying regions and one or more partner organisations in another EU State Recruitment by the selected centres of incoming experienced researchers Acquisition, development or upgrading of research equipment for the selected centres; Organisation of workshops and conferences to facilitate knowledge transfer at national and international level Dissemination and promotional activities
RTD-B.4 - Regions of Knowledge and Research Potential REGPOT Participants Any public or private research entity in the EU's convergence regions and outermost regions, being defined as an existing working unit (a single proposer), either independent or functioning within a locally established research organisation in the concerned regions, having preferably distinct organisational and administrative boundaries. The Centre should NOT be a subsidiary or branch of an organisation established in another country.
RTD-B.4 - Regions of Knowledge and Research Potential REGPOT Providing evaluation facilities for research organisations in the EU’s convergence and outermost regions Activities evaluation of research quality and infrastructures by high level independent experts (SWOT analysis) preparation of an Action Plan to upgrade and reinforce its RTD potential by the selected centre Participants public or private research centre in the EU's convergence regions and outermost regions
RTD-B.4 - Regions of Knowledge and Research Potential REGPOT International Cooperation focused on Western Balkan Countries Objectives This Activity will promote closer S&T cooperation opportunities between European Union and in particular its convergence regions, and the Western Balkan Countries (WBC). Participants Proposals should include at least 3 participants: one from a convergence or outermost region in the EU, one from a Member State and one from a WBC
RTD-B.4 - Regions of Knowledge and Research Potential REGPOT International Cooperation focused on Western Balkan Countries Activities Exchange of know-how and experience through trans-national two-way secondments of research staff between the selected centres in the qualifying regions and one or more partner organisations in another EU State Recruitment by the selected centres of incoming experienced researchers Acquisition, development or upgrading of research equipment for the selected WBC centres; Organisation of workshops and conferences to facilitate knowledge transfer at national and international level Dissemination and promotional activities
RTD-B.4 - Regions of Knowledge and Research Potential REGPOT transnational cooperation among NCPs Activities Reinforcing the network of National Contact Points (NCP) by focussing on identifying and sharing good practices (benchmarking, joint workshops, training, and twinning schemes, trans-national brokerage events) specific approach to be adapted to the nature of the theme, capacities and priorities of the NCPs concerned special attention to helping less experienced NCPs proposals to include all officially appointed NCPs action to involve official FP7 contacts from Associated Countries.
RTD-B.4 - Regions of Knowledge and Research Potential FUNDING SCHEME project implementation carried out EXCLUSIVELY by : CSAs - COORDINATION AND SUPPORT ACTIONS
RTD-B.4 - Regions of Knowledge and Research Potential Funding scheme overview funding scheme durationCommunity contribution % of total eligible cost REGPOT research potential coordination and support action up to 36 months approx Mio. € up to 100% REGPOT evaluation facilities coordination and support action up to 12 months up to € up to 100% REGPOT WBCs coordination and support action up to. 36 months approx. 1.2 Mio. € up to 100% REGPOT NCPs coordination and support action max. 5 years indicatively € up to 100%
RTD-B.4 - Regions of Knowledge and Research Potential Selection and negotiation Timetable Calls for proposals to be published 22/12/2006 Deadline for submission: 24/4/2007 Evaluation, with help of independent experts – & Selection within 3 months of call closure (24/7/2007) Negotiation of grant agreements Commission decision Signature of grant agreement and entry into force, if possible before end 2007