Significant Events
11 th Century Islam rules over Spain, Omayyad Dynasty –Cordova the Capital –Late 11C El Cid pushes back at Omayyad Dynasty Split –Roman Catholic and Orthodox Church –Roman Catholic Church soon enacts doctrines Priest Celibacy Simony and Investiture Installation of Pope (election) –Cardinals 1066 –William the Conqueror defeats Harold at the Battle of Hastings 1077 –Henry IV (HRE) and Gregory VII (Pope) Canossa –Temporal v. Spiritual Power »Excommunication »Interdict 1096 –First Crusade
12 th Century 3 rd Crusade –Richard II (Lionhearted) Cathedral of St. Denis (Suger) Europe largely Christianized St. Francis of Assisi –Franciscan Order Established Universities begin to be established Europe
13 th Century th Crusade ransacks Constantinople –Venice controls Constantinople next 60+ years- further decay of Byzantine Empire –Ottomans move forward 1215 –Magna Carta (King John “Softsword”) –4 th Lateran Council Inquisition Anti-Semitism 1236 –Grenada remaining Islamic but under the control of Castile, waning of Islamic Power in Spain Dante –Inferno, Divine Comedy Vernacular 1290 –English Parliament Created Growth of Burghers –Marco Polo travels to China
14 th Century 1302 Boniface VIII and Philip IV 1309 Avignon Papacy 1315 Widespread Famine yr War –Edward III claim to throne –Estates General created during War 1348 –Plague 1377 –Battle of Kosovo 1378 –Great Schism 1380 circa –John Wyclif Peasant Riots –Jacquerie –John Bull (Lollards) –Italian Rebellions Ottoman empire gains ground in Asia Minor –Greek Scholars move West Humanists –Petrarch –Boccaccio –Giotto –Chaucer
15 Century 1415 –Conciliar Movement- A Single Pope (Rome) Martin V –Execution of Jan Hus –100 year War- Battle of Agincourt Prince Henry the Navigator –Canary Islands and Azores Islands The Medici’s rule Florence 1450 circa –Guttenberg invents Printing Press 1453 –One Hundred Year War ends France Unified Joan of Arc helps lead victory (executed as Heretic) 1454 –Constantinople taken by Ottomans 1455 War of the Roses –1485 Tudors take power (Henry VII) 1469 –Isabella (Aragon), Ferdinand (Castille) take power Spanish Inquisition starts (1481) 1492 Grenada defeated- Jews and Muslims ordered out 1492 –Columbus 1497 –De Gama