QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER: How is pietas and the display of virtus a quality for manliness? In what ways is it a religious and communal obligation? What is the relative importance of the reconquista to Spanish imperialism? What is the definition of hidalgo? What is the importance of limpieza de sangre and a gracias de sacar? What is the probanza and what are some of the definitions?
PIETAS AND VIRTUS How do we define masculinity and honor?... the virtues by which they pursued the hard road which brought them at last to such glory... They disregarded private wealth for the sake of the common wealth. They stood firm against avarice, gave advice to their country with an unshakeable mind and were not guilty of any crime against the laws, nor of any unlawful desire. - Augustine, Book V of City of God
RECONQUEST OF THE IBERIAN PENINSULA 711 AD Moor (Arab) invasion of the Iberian Peninsula and drove out the Visigoths. Muslim conquest. Reconquista (AD711 – 1492) defines the medieval Spanish identity. (Crusades) Mingling of Christian and Muslim blends traditions and causes friction. Spanish Jews highly persecuted during this period and beyond. Fall of Granada 1492
REVIVAL OF THE TRADE ROUTES Expansion of commerce and long distance trade Pax Mongolica The Polo Family from Venice
European merchants sold finished textiles to the Barbary Coast and Moroccan merchants Purchased grain, saffron, lavender, and GOLD Two-thirds of the gold for European mints came from West African gold fields and the Saharan caravan routes
THE STATE Monopolized power and authority within one capital city Competitive territorial states warring against one another
EUROPEANS AND THE CANARY ISLANDS First area of exploration and trade by Portuguese, Italians, and Spanish Moved on to North Africa, Dom Henrique King of Portugal encouraged exploration of West Africa Bartolomeo Diaz Vasco de Gama Ferdinand Magellan
IMPORTANT THEMES TO CONSIDER What is the meaning of conquistador and is it limited only to European actors? What is the difference between pagans and infidels? When is conquest justified?
UNIFICATION OF SPAIN Spain is not unified and is separated into kingdoms, creating regional identities: -Castile -Navarre - Aragon -Catalonia -Granada Marriage of Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon, known as the Catholic monarchs, in Unite Spain in (Portugal won its independence from Moorish rule in 1143) The Pope allows Isabella and Ferdinand to establish the Spanish Inquisition in order to root out false converts to Christianity. In particular, the Inquisition persecutes Jews, whom they call marranos (“swines”). Converts must give an auto-da-fé, act of faith of their conversion. Expulsion of Jews in The Monarchs consider to accept the proposal to explore by Christopher Columbus in 1492.
TREATY OF TORTESILLAS 1484 Pope Alexander VI divided the lands outside of Europe in half between Spain and Portugal.
TERMS/IDEAS TO KNOW ABOUT IBERIAN SOCIETY Caballero Caballero villano Hidalgo Don Despoblado Converso Limpieza de sangre Gracias de sacar Morisco Marrano Probanza