Get to Know Your Group What is the furthest you’ve ever traveled? What is your favorite travel destination? In the future, where would you like to visit?
Small Groups and Effective Discussion Sara Pope, MD Faculty Development Fellow
Objectives Recognized strengths & weaknesses Described steps for leading small group discussion Practiced effective group facilitation
Activity #1 Assign a facilitator to lead the first discussion Choose a topic, review topic Start the discussion 10 minutes
Activity #2 As a group, list strengths and weaknesses of small group learning Be prepared to share 5 minutes
Four Steps. 1. Prepare for the discussion 2. Start discussion 3. Manage and facilitate group learning 4. Conclude the discussion
1. Prepare for the Discussion Needs assessment Objectives Environment and logistics
2. Start the Discussion Establish norms Review objectives Model mutual respect
3. Facilitate the Group Process Enthusiasm Stimulate interest Encourage active participation Keep group on track Summarize Do facilitate, don’t control
4. Conclude the Discussion Summarize key concepts Provide closure Stimulate further thought
Diagnose Personalities The Rescuer The Projector The Space Cadet The Withdrawer The Monopolizer
And now…
Activity #3 Keeping the four steps in mind… Assign a facilitator Choose a topic, review topic Start discussion 10 minutes
How did you do? Group function? Facilitator function? Personalities diagnosed? How did you feel?
Objectives Recognized strengths & weaknesses Described steps for leading small group discussion Practiced effective group facilitation