More with Indirect Statements She said that these were even more awesome than before.
Time is Relative Tense in indirect statement is always relative. That means that the head verb (main verb) always reflects actual tense, but the infinitive shows the time in the indirect statement as compared to the time in the main clause. Present infinitives = the time of the indirect statement is the same as the main verb Perfect infinitives = time before the main verb Future infinitives = time after the main verb
Past Tense Head Verbs Everything about infinitives is still true Now, the entire sentence moves into the past. dicit piratas esse pulchros. She says that the pirates are handsome. Statement is said now, pirates are pretty now. dixit piratas esse pulchros. She said that the pirates were handsome. Statement was said in the past; the pirates were pretty then; we have no knowledge of current beauty
Plus exemplorum dixit piratas futuros esse pulchros. She said that the pirates would be handsome. Statement was said in the past; pirates would be eye-candy in the future of the past. dixit piratas fuisse pulchros. She said that the pirates had been handsome. Statement was said in the past; the pirates were pretty before; probably not pretty now ‘cause its been soooo long and beauty fades like vocabulary words studied last week...
Etiam Plus Exemplorum puer dīxit custōdem revenīre. The boy said that the guard was returning spērābant poetam recitātūram esse. They were hoping that the poet would recite. audīvī vīllās dēlētās esse. I heard that the houses had been destroyed. accūsātōrēs affirmāvērunt Salvium multa scelera commīsisse. The accusers affirmed that Salvius had committed many crimes.
Exempla Ultima nūntius dīxit frātrem meum in Britanniā illō tempore habitāre. The messenger said that my brother was living in Britian at that time. multī senātōrēs putābant Agricolam iniūstē revocātum esse. Many senators were thinking that Agricola had been recalled unjustly. centuriō crēdēbat mīlitēs facile piratās captūrōs esse. The centurion was believing that the soldiers would capture the pirates easily.