Welcome to Vitamins, Herbs, and Nutritional Supplements HW205 Your instructor: Kim Montgomery, MS, NBT
To Begin Welcome to our first seminar! It’s great to be meeting with all of you this evening! How many of you have attended a Kaplan seminar before? Seminars are in audio so you should hear me. Can you hear me? Field Trip 2tekfQ
“ Pleased to meet you” Tell me a bit about yourself using the prompts below “ Pleased to meet you” Tell me a bit about yourself using the prompts below 1. Peach Valley Cafe servings of fruits & vegetables 3. Large Americano, extra room. 4. Kim Montgomery 1. Peach Valley Cafe servings of fruits & vegetables 3. Large Americano, extra room. 4. Kim Montgomery
Seminar 1 Overview Textbooks –Which do you need and do you have them? Announcements – Check them every Wednesday morning! Syllabus – major areas & important info AIM – what is it and why do you need it? Assignments (projects, discussion, seminar) Grading Unit 1 Learning Outcomes and Activities
Syllabus Located in DocSharing Posted in Syllabus link on left hand side of course homepage Please print & read it well! All grading criteria is listed Expectations are clear! Make note of due dates!
AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) Can be downloaded here for free – If you use multiple messengers, consider a IM tool which supports AIM, Yahoo & MSN –Trillian can be downloaded free – My AIM: kmont11 Office hours: M 7:00-9:00pm EST
Discussions Rubric in syllabus Spell check! References Bring in outside references and sources Minimum words Initial post by Saturday Post on 3 separate days Minimum of 2 posts to peers by Tuesday, Midnight
Due dates & working ahead Late Policy: No late projects or exercises will be accepted. Initial Discussion posts due by Saturday midnight will be accepted with late penalties. Week ends Tuesday midnight Please don’t work ahead on seminar option 2 or discussion board Posting early in the week allows us to have a better discussion Focus on quality posts
Seminar Option 1 The week’s lesson Flex option: 10am & 7pm, Monday’s Expectations – Be prepared! Minimum 20 posts! Option 2 Takes place of 1hr seminar Check the posting criteria and grading rubric Expectations – Well written, researched
APA, Projects & Plagiarism APA referencing –APA websites… Reference any info that does not come out of your own head! Kaplan library & Health Sciences Resource Room are excellent resource Tools Link Projects Submit in Microsoft Word & always include a reference page Zero tolerance for plagiarism Cannot accept late project posts
Better late… than never….but if you will be more than 10 to 15 minutes plan on completing seminar option 2
Course Description This course introduces the most commonly used vitamins, herbs and nutritional supplements. Single vitamins – their benefits, dosage, precautions and contraindications – will be reviewed as well as vitamin formulas routinely recommended. Nutritional supplements will be introduced and their categories, benefits and safety issues will be explored and discussed. The principal systems of herbal medicine found worldwide will be illustrated along with their individual characteristics and common usage. This course also examines the growing popularity of herbal medicines from a sociological and ecological standpoint.
Course Outcomes 1.Describe principal systems of herbal medicine found worldwide and their characteristics and common usage. 2.Discuss nutritional supplements. 3.Evaluate current research and issues including governmental regulation, special interest groups and ecological concerns. 4.Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English. 5.Use principles of sound reasoning.
Unit 1 Learning Outcomes Demonstrate an understanding of the course requirements. Demonstrate an understanding of the course requirements. Post an introduction Post an introduction Participate in discussion Participate in discussion Attend seminar Monday, 10am, 7pm, Option 2 Attend seminar Monday, 10am, 7pm, Option 2 No Assignment No Assignment
Popularity of Supplements? Why do you think that supplements have become so popular in the last ten years? Do you feel that there popularity will continue to grow or stop and why? Why do you think that supplements have become so popular in the last ten years? Do you feel that there popularity will continue to grow or stop and why?
Unit 1 Key Terms What is Natural Medicine? Defining a supplement VitaminsMineralsPlants
Questions & After Seminar Questions, Comments, Concerns?? Review the rubrics for grading Contact me: –On AIM – kmont11 –Kaplan - –Within our course - Post questions under the Course Questions section under Course Home
Final Words of Wisdom… Have a great term & enjoy learning!!