Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze C. Wirth MPI für Biogeochemie, Jena
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze Figure 2. Map of the monitoring sites in northern Eurasia: red color: coordinated by the MPI-BGC, blue color: coordinated by partner institutes. Stars: aircraft profiling sites, squares: tower measurements, triangles: surface measurements. Solid symbols: operating site, open symbols: sites under consideration.
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze Successional dynamics of the dark taiga
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze Location of the study site
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze Fire Succession
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze Fire succession- Number of stems and basal area
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze Fire succession- Stand density
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze Sapling density
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze DBH development with age
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze DBH development with age
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze Windthrow Succession
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze Windthrow succession- Stand density
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze Succession after Insect damage
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze Insect succession- Stand density
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze Old growth- Stand density
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze Tree height
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze Niche replacement
Succession after Fire, Windbreak, and Insect Damage in the Dark Taiga of East Yenisei E.-D. Schulze Thank you for your attention