STRESS The experience of opportunities or threats that people perceive as important and also perceive they might not be able to handle or deal with effectively.
CONSEQUENCES OF STRESS 1. PHYSIOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES feeling flushed, trembling, a pounding heart, sweaty palms, elevated blood pressure, headaches, dizziness, nausea, stomachaches, backaches, sleep disturbances, and hives to heart attacks and impaired immune system functioning
2. PSYCHOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES feeling anxious, worried, bad mood, upset to feeling angry, scornful, bitter, or hostile, negative attitudes
Psychological, emotional, or physical exhaustion. BURNOUT Psychological, emotional, or physical exhaustion. Three key signs of burnout feelings of low personal accomplishment emotional exhaustion depersonalization
Sources of Stress Personal stressors
2. Job-Related Stressors Sources of Stress 2. Job-Related Stressors role conflict (behaviors or tasks are at odds with each other)
2. Job-Related Stressors Sources of Stress 2. Job-Related Stressors role ambiguity (employees are not sure what is expected of them and how they should perform their jobs.) overload underload
3. Group- and Organization-Related Stressors Sources of Stress 3. Group- and Organization-Related Stressors misunderstandings conflicts
4. Stressors Arising Out of Work-Life Balance Sources of Stress 4. Stressors Arising Out of Work-Life Balance balance between work and life outside of work Environmental Uncertainty
5. Environmental Uncertainty wars Sources of Stress 5. Environmental Uncertainty wars natural calamities
Coping with Stress 1.1 for individuals PROBLEM-FOCUSED COPING To deal directly with and act on the source of stress. 1.1 for individuals
1.1.1 TIME MANAGEMENT Prioritizing and estimating techniques that allow employees to identify the most important tasks and fit them into their daily schedule.
1.1.2 GETTING HELP FROM A MENTOR Getting advice and guidance from experienced members of an organization
1.1.3 ROLE NEGOTIATION employees actively try to change their roles in order to reduce role conflict, role ambiguity, overload, or underload.
1.2 for organizations job redesign and rotation, reduction of uncertainty, job security, company day care and family friendly benefits, flexible work schedules, job sharing, and telecommuting.
2. EMOTION-FOCUSED COPING To deal with and control the stressful feelings and emotions 2.1 for individuals FUNCTIONAL STRATEGIES exercise meditation social support clinical counseling
NONFUNCTIONAL STRATEGIES eating too much, drinking too much, or taking drugs
2.2 for organizations ON-SITE EXERCISE FACILITIES ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS provide employees with counseling and other kinds of professional help to deal with stressors such as alcohol and drug abuse and family problems. PERSONAL DAYS AND SABBATICALS