GLAST LAT ProjectMarch 24, G Tracker Peer Review, WBS GLAST Large Area Telescope: Tracker Subsystem WBS G: Tower module assembly A. Brez I.N.F.N. Pisa Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope
GLAST LAT ProjectMarch 24, G Tracker Peer Review, WBS Tower module assembly flow down LAT tower module assembly follows this block diagram (see LAT- PS and LAT-PS and for details)
GLAST LAT ProjectMarch 24, G Tracker Peer Review, WBS Tray assembly system successfully tested during pre-engineering tower test. Fast (<1day) accurate and safe stacking of the trays. Reference pins Fixation holes Safety pins Cable opening Fixture Pre-engineering tower ready for transportation and tests Lift system LAT-PS-01854
GLAST LAT ProjectMarch 24, G Tracker Peer Review, WBS Cosmic ray test Cosmic ray flux in Pisa INFN labs: ∼ 10 Hz/tray surface In one day ∼ 500 events/strip Deep and complete tower understanding time ∼ 1 week LAT-PS-01855
GLAST LAT ProjectMarch 24, G Tracker Peer Review, WBS Conclusions With the help of a reference system made with precise aluminum walls, the stack of the trays is fast and safe. Complete functional test of the tower system before sidewalls fixation. The sidewalls are then added. Each tray is referred to precision holes in the sidewalls that allow a good alignment without the pileup of the tolerances. The system has been tested. The tolerance was below the maximum allowable (0.3mm). The process is fast (<1 day to mount a tower). The tower is a good cosmic rays telescope. The cosmic rays flux allows a complete and deep understanding at the single channel level in a short time (1 week)