Barnette Elementary Talent Development in Grades 3-5 Welcome! Please sign in, write down your address and find your child’s DEP form.
To differentiate instruction for the gifted and high performing students. The Focus of the Catalyst Model
Our Mission To provide gifted students the opportunity to maximize their potential, demonstrate their motivation, and realize their contributions to self and the global community.
Our Goal To support the development of a content-rich educational experience for students from all cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds throughout CMS.
Everyone works collaboratively to meet the needs of the gifted learners. Administrative & District Support TD Teacher Catalyst Model Subject Area Teachers
“This [Catalyst Model] is like having many hands all working toward the same goals.” ~ TD Catalyst Teacher
How does the Catalyst Model work? The classroom teacher and TD/Catalyst teacher share the responsibility for the education of gifted students. The TD/Catalyst teacher provides lessons and activities for teachers to use in the heterogeneous and homogeneous classroom or teaches students directly. The TD/Catalyst teacher provides enrichment and acceleration for students who have shown mastery of objectives being taught in the regular classroom through direct or indirect instruction.
“Gifted learners are gifted all the time.” ~ Mary S. Landrum, Ph.D.
With differentiation students… Move at the appropriate pace for their learning needs. Complete various assignments to complement and supplement the standard curriculum. Participate in various assessment measures
What Does the Catalyst Model Look Like at Barnette? Mrs. Hurst works closely with subject area teachers in grades 3-5 to: – collaborate and plan accelerated lessons. – create and develop projects and tasks for gifted learners. – provide teachers with strategies to meet the needs of gifted learners.
What Does the Catalyst Model Look Like at Barnette? Third Grade- Mrs. Hurst co-teaches with Mrs. Walker (literacy) and Mrs. O’Boyle (math). We plan together and adjust lessons to meet the needs of these learners. Fourth Grade – students are pulled to the resource room for literacy and math (1x per week) Fifth Grade - Mrs. Hurst co-teaches with Mrs. Terry (literacy) and pulls students to resource room for math.
Direct and Indirect Services Gifted students are served through a combination of direct and indirect services. – Direct Services: “face time” with Mrs. Hurst Lessons created by and taught by Mrs. Hurst
Direct and Indirect Services Indirect Services: Indirect services are lessons and activities developed by Mrs. Hurst and provided to subject area teachers for them to use in their classroom and/or co-teaching. Examples are: novel studies, centers, independent contracts, projects, alternative homework/classwork, lessons
Why is there a need for direct and indirect services? Often there are too many students for one person to reach alone. Differentiation is required in the regular classroom to provide all students with the education they need and deserve. Since the TD/Catalyst teacher cannot see all children, all day, every day, the classroom teacher requires activities and lessons from the TD/Catalyst teacher for those students while they are in the regular classroom.
How We Accelerate Teach problem solving strategies in math Tiered Activities Learning Contracts Learning Centers Curriculum Compacting Paideia Seminars Literature Circles/Book Clubs Problem Based Learning Technology Enhanced Instruction Technology-Based Products
Curriculum Materials William & Mary Literacy/Math Units Junior Great Books Jacob’s Ladder Novel Studies The Problem Solver Math Superstars & Math Stars Hands-On Equations Project M3 Math Navigations in Math..and other supplemental materials!
Other Enrichment Experiences Math Olympiad for grade 5 Integrated Research Projects Extension Menus and Choice Options(all grade levels) Connect 21 sessions Mathapalooza – grade 3
My Goals… Focus on inquiry and higher level thinking skills when creating lessons for Math and Literacy. Collaborate with teachers to plan, advocate, and implement challenging, differentiated, learning experiences. Support, consult, and lead students toward success in a 21 st Century society. Ensure that all students achieve growth in reading and math.
Student Performance Ratings At the end of each year, each TD certified student in grades 2-5 receives a TD student performance rating, in addition to their regular report card. Each of the 4 sections (Content, Process, Product and Affective)are scored from 1-4, as follows: 1 – Needs Immediate Improvement 2 - Needs Some Improvement 3 – Meets Expectations 4 – Exceeds Expectations
Contact Information phone: website: The newsletter will be sent home each quarter to keep you updated on what is going on in 3-5 th grade classrooms at Barnette.
What questions do you have for me?
Thank you so much for coming! I am confident that WE will have a successful school year together!