What do wetland species need to survive? Swamp 2: David, Gina, Jessica, Julia, Justin, Shalini March 14, 2010
Program Design Science Content: Animals, Plants, Habitat Swamp Content: Fresh water, woody vegetation, dominant species Tools: Nets, magnifiers, tanks, field guides Documentation: Journals
Program Goal What do wetland species need to survive? –Food –Water –Shelter –Space
Objectives Participants will be able to: Define general survival needs Describe characteristics of a swamp habitat Identify 4 swamp species Explain 2 ways that swamps benefit people
Classroom Introduction Welcome and what to expect Assistive listening devices Describe activities and schedule for the day Utilize visuals and manipulatives
Visual Presentation General survival needs (objective 1) Student activity “Swamp says” with survival needs
Visual Presentation (cont) Characteristics of a swamp habitat (objective 2) –Hands-on activity –Soil components Sand, silt, and clay
Outside Preparation Introduce participants to new tools; Dip nets, magnifiers, tanks/buckets, field guides, journals, pictures of what we might see…
Outside Activity 1: Journaling Field guide/Checklist of common species Leaf and bark rubbings, (White) Oak (American) Elm Trees
Outside Activity 1: Journaling Modifications –blind/low vision: feeling the leaves and bark –age related: hand over hand –intellectual: feeling and rubbings if possible
Outside for Activity 2 Dip netting Collecting, identifying and sorting organisms
Outside Activity 2: Dip Netting Modifications –blind/low vision: models for feeling and hand over hand –age related: assistance dipping organisms and with sort and id –intellectual: models and tanks for viewing organisms
Inside for Wrap-Up Food-Chain activity - Animals/plants images on cards Verbal wrap up asking participants how they think the swamp benefits humans…
Special Program Streaming video to deliver Swamp lesson visuals to offsite group Live animals/taxidermy/models