Experience and results from the JOBTOOL project implementation in SLOVENIA Maja Nikčević, educational counsellor Petra Jursinović, legal counsellor
HR educational engineering
Our services HRM and Consulting Training EU Projects Career guidance Payroll Legal counsel Programmes for jobseekers
Work with jobseekers PROGRAMMES OF ASSISTANCE IN CAREER DEVELOPMENT AND JOB SEEKING –Job clubs –Back to employment –New beginning –Job interview training –Motivational Workshops –Information Office EDUCATIONAL AND TRAINING PROGRAMMES –Computer Courses –Foreign Language Courses
JOBTOOL COURSES IN SLOVENIA Execution of the courses before the summer. The orientation faze took place at the Employment Service of Slovenia where we introduced the project and tried to motivate the job seekers to join the courses. 20 people participated in the JOBTOOL courses. We formed 2 groups for “younger” and “older” participants.
JOBTOOL COURSES IN SLOVENIA We executed 40 hours of workshops for each group within 10 meetings. We used ALL 10 modules. All the workshops were conducted interactively. We used experience based approach. Each subject was firstly discussed with the participants and then additionally explained by the trainer.
JOBTOOL COURSES IN SLOVENIA EVALUATION The evaluation workshops in the middle of June. We collected the impressions about the JT materials and courses and how they were of use for them.
JOBTOOL COURSES IN SLOVENIA EVALUATION We also collected the impressions about the courses and materials by using a questionnaire.
JOBTOOL COURSES IN SLOVENIA EVALUATION - feedback The courses answered their expectations. Most of them didn’t want to change anything about the materials we used. They were very low educated and it seemed that the simplicity of the materials suited them very much. They would have wished that the courses were longer.
JOBTOOL COURSES IN SLOVENIA EVALUATION - feedback Most of the participants liked group meetings; they felt that their social network is getting stronger and that they are not so isolated anymore. Most of them attended all the courses.
JOBTOOL COURSES IN SLOVENIA EVALUATION Most of the participants liked all the topics. What they liked the least was goal settings, thinking and writing about their knowledge, skills and experiences.
JOBTOOL COURSES IN SLOVENIA EVALUATION Everybody thought that they will be able to use the things they have learned during the courses. The participants were very satisfied with mentors.
JOBTOOL CONFERENCE IN SLOVENIA 10th of September Guests experts from the various fileds of adult and youth education Few job seekers that attendet the JOBTOOL courses