Haroon Rafique 11/06/2015HR IIAA Group Meeting1. Richmond Virginia 11/06/2015HR IIAA Group Meeting2.


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Presentation transcript:

Haroon Rafique 11/06/2015HR IIAA Group Meeting1

Richmond Virginia 11/06/2015HR IIAA Group Meeting2

Sunday – Student Poster Session 11/06/2015HR IIAA Group Meeting3

Sunday – Opening Ceremony 11/06/2015HR IIAA Group Meeting4

Monday – Opening Session 11/06/2015HR IIAA Group Meeting5

Monday – LHC Commissioning  ~ 3000 magnet interconnects replaced (of ~10k) in LS1  Aperture restriction found in middle of dipole 15 in IR8 – investigation (was) underway  Energy of 6.5 TeV is due to magnet training: 6-12 hour recovery, estimated 150 times for 6.5TeV, required 120. Need ~1000 for 7TeV 11/06/2015HR IIAA Group Meeting6

Monday – Fermilab  Integrable Optics Accelerator  Can operate with either electrons or protons (up to 150 MeV/c  Large aperture  Significant flexibility of the lattice  Precise control of the optics quality and stability  Set up for very high intensity operation (with protons)  Large tune spreads – can cross integer resonances? 11/06/2015HR IIAA Group Meeting7

Monday 11/06/2015HR IIAA Group Meeting8

Tuesday – Franz neutron source 11/06/2015HR IIAA Group Meeting9

Tuesday - HiLumi Beam Diagnostics  LHC BLMs are radiation tolerant  HiLumi BLMs must be radiation hardened  Cryo BLMs  Button BPMs (18 tertiary collimators installed)  All future colls with button BPMs  2 orders of magnitude faster positioning of colls 11/06/2015HR IIAA Group Meeting10

Tuesday – SPS Collimation 11/06/2015HR IIAA Group Meeting11

Tuesday - Posters 11/06/2015HR IIAA Group Meeting12

Wednesday – Space Charge Codes 11/06/2015HR IIAA Group Meeting13

Wednesday – LHC HEL Development  HiLumi CC Failure ~ 1σ kick; actively deplete beam halo  Use HEL to do so  Alternatives (transverse damper, tune ripple…)  HEL: lower intensity without luminosity change  5A, 3m long s shaped  HEL beam at 4-8 σ  Final decision after Run II experience 11/06/2015HR IIAA Group Meeting14

Wednesday - FCC  Luminosity ~ 20 x LHC  5 MW Synchrotron Radiation losses  93 km better cost/risk than 100km – due to depth of tunnel under lake Geneva  Max B = 16 T (R&D Target)  215m cell length  Large aperture quads (cf. HiLumi)  Scaled Collimation study underway 11/06/2015HR IIAA Group Meeting15

Wednesday – Women in Science 11/06/2015HR IIAA Group Meeting16

Thursday – Awards 11/06/2015HR IIAA Group Meeting17

Thursday – Recap of PACs 11/06/2015HR IIAA Group Meeting18

Thursday – Banquet 11/06/2015HR IIAA Group Meeting19

Friday – Closing Session 11/06/2015HR IIAA Group Meeting20