New Empires in the Americas
F.O.A. (Bellwork) Who was Johannes Gutenberg? What does Renaissance mean? Which class was underneath the king? Which class was next? Which class was at the bottom?
Reminder Test on Thursday will cover American Indians, Friday’s powerpoint and explorers
F.O.A. (Bellwork) 1) He invented the printing press 2) Affected art, literature, politics, and science 3) Nobles 4) Knights (Vassals) 5) Peasants (Serfs)
F.O.A. Question 1 You are sailing and land at a place that you know has never been found by your people. What are some of the first things you would do? You discover that there are native people in that land, and they begin constantly attacking you. How would you respond?
First Europeans to make contact with NA –Great shipbuilders and sailors Settled first in Iceland (870), then Greenland (1000) –Erik the Red Leif Eriksson sails further west to Canada and possibly to New England Attacks and distance from home forced them to return home quickly
Question 2 What are some reasons that nations might have for exploring new regions?
Henry the Navigator of Portugal –Founded a school of navigation and financed explorations of West Africa –Reasons for exploration Asian spices and goods Religion Interest in Asian cultures ALL TRADE WITH ASIA WAS BY LAND!
Question 3 What are some tools that we use today that help us navigate or find our way?
Technological Advances Astrolabe –Charted the stars to help navigate New ships called caravels –Used back rudders and triangular sails
New Route to Asia Vasco Da Gama of Portugal –Rounded the Cape of Good Hope
Question 4 What might be some effects of this exploration by Portugal?
Christopher Columbus
Hired by Spanish King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to claim territory for Spain. Set out to discover a new trade route to India. Landed in the Caribbean; named the island San Salvador (“Holy Savior”)
Question How do you think other European countries felt about Columbus’ discovery of the New World? What might they have done about it?
Portugal was very upset with Spain and complained to the Pope. Line of Demarcation –Portugal complained that this was unfair Portugal and Spain compromised –Treaty of Tordesillas
Other Explorers Amerigo Vespucci –“America” is named after him Vasco Balboa –First European to see the Pacific Ocean Ferdinand Magellan –His crew was the first to circumnavigate the world
Columbian Exchange The explorers took animals, plants, and goods back with them to Europe from their trips This exchange of goods between Europe, Africa, Asia, and the New World is called the Columbian Exchange.
Goods brought to the Americas from Europe –Cattle –Citrus fruits –Grains –Horses –Sugarcane –Disease
From the Americas to Europe –Cocoa –Corn –Potatoes –Squash –Tobacco –Turkeys
Assignment Read pages Answer Nos. 1-3 all parts Book username: rms8th Book password: rutherford