BELL WORK FOR MONDAY: [5 min] Sentence Fluency Cartoon Read the cartoon to yourself. Then, read it aloud.
BELL WORK FOR MONDAY: Did the author plan how this cartoon would sound? WRITE “Fluent writing is graceful, varied, rhythmic—almost musical. It’s easy to read aloud. Sentences are well built. They move. They are varied in structure and length. Each one seems to flow right out of the one before. Strong sentence fluency is marked by logic, creative phrasing, parallel construction, alliteration, and word order that makes reading feel natural” (Culham 178).
SSR [10 min] Silent Sustained Reading Review the norms on the window. Remember the expectation that you are reading 2 hours at home every week. Expect to conference with the teacher about your reading habits. Lost? You will find the answer in a book. [2 min] SSR Log Record today’s date, # of pages read, and use a sentence stem from the metacognitive log on the window.
To Kill a Mockingbird Test Look over your test alone. Do not put your test away. Talk to your group about incorrect and correct responses. Can your group members answer your question? Let’s discuss as a class… How it was graded.
DOC YOU MENTARY INFORMATION Does everyone have an EDMODO account? If not, you must sign up today. Ask a classmate for help. Go to and practice how to upload your project. Your must submit your video with a youtube link. Click on top right corner, on sign in. Create a new account. Click upload in the top right once you’re signed in.