Sarah Mbatha & Marc Molloy Mumtaz Samad & Marc Molloy
Why we do it The journey so far Our offer: does it work? Lessons learned The future
: 714 into jobs – using a small team Developed our knowledge base Developed a responsive service Incorporated models of best practice / Matrix Accreditation
2012: Process mapped customer journey Externally bench marked service Developed value for money baseline Initiated employment control group study
: Launch of 1,000 into jobs ( ) Linked to Family Mosaic manifesto – Health, Wealth and Wellbeing Employment target linked to staff annual bonus Created staff support ‘pledge’ events
: Celebrate ‘success stories’ internally Renew staff ‘pledges’ and update teams on outcomes Additional £1 million for employment support initiatives
Service Ethos: Jobs for people, not people for jobs Customer led relationship Non competitive team culture
Personalised support Pre & Post employment training Employer engagement (not a brokerage) Support transition to employment
Innovative Courses: Get that Job Get that promotion Start your own business Employment Boot Camp
Employment Boot Camp: What is it? How does it work? Outcomes
Making a Difference: “I’d given up on myself and Boot Camp saved me. I’m working again, can pay my way and hold my head up high” Daniel 42
Making a Difference: “I’d given up on myself and Boot Camp saved me. I’m working again, can pay my way and hold my head up high” Daniel 42
Courses: EBC: 31% into work Youth EBC: 45% into work GTJ: 40% into work Care & Support staff training
People in work: 637 into Work (April 2012-Present) 118 Apprentices 85 Care & Support Customers
Outputs: 301 into work ( ) 148 into work ( ; Q1-2) 91 apprentices 80% retention rate (3months)
1 1
2 2
Reduction in arrears 3 3
Support career progression Support affordable childcare Focus on over 50s Business start-up courses Fixed term tenancy offer