Patrick Browne Lincolnshire Development Coastal Action Zone Development Team.


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Presentation transcript:

Patrick Browne Lincolnshire Development Coastal Action Zone Development Team

The CAZ seeks to promote new public service delivery methods in order to improve the quality of life for coastal people. Many initiatives - yet impact often declines when funding expires. The Coastal Action Zone is a process, not a project. The CAZ will nor duplicate existing activity.

Lincolnshire Coastal Indicies of Deprivation 2004 Population – 60,000 26% over 65 years old – Nationally= 16% Migration – outgoing youth replaced by incoming old Economic Activity – 54% compared with 66% in Lincs Part-timers – 40% compared with 32% nationally No Quals’ – 50% compared with 30% Long-term Illness – 29% compared with 19% LP Tourism and agriculture the dominant employers Low business vitality

From RAZ to CAZ A “Whole Council” approach to regeneration Strong branding High Profile Innovation £14m Labour Intensive – for the long term

The distinctive features of the CAZ concept are: A high national profile backed by a distinctive style An intention to move to integrated service delivery A broad initiative covering all quality of life issues A broad based and committed partnership

Experiences of Service Providers on the Coast lingering negative impact of poverty on public services lack of aspirations by individuals, families and businesses impact of recruitment upon service provision negative outcomes of poor access to services and facilities overburden of aging population on health/care services entrenched problems require cooperation among providers

From the interviews four main issues emerged that are pertinent to all service providers. Low Aspirations….in education, business, skills development, health, law and order.. Access…or rather the lack of physical access to services Recruitment….of professionals and skills to improve the delivery of public services Demography….importing elderly and unhealthy, exporting youth and vitality

Programme of Activity Ongoing work with service providers for the CAZ Business Plan Lobbying nationally and locally for CAZ pilots and backing National Launch of CAZ Westminster - December 2004 Local Launch of CAZ - March 2005 CAZ Steering Group Established - Spring 2005 Chief Executive's Commissioning Forum Established - Spring 2005 Business Plan Approved - Summer 2005

A sample of initiatives that CAZ partners are currently developing. Mablethorpe Primary School Skegness Collaborative Re-start School Connexions and Others One-Stop-Shop Coastal Youth Engagement Strategy Tourism Quality Cluster Development Matching retired people to youngsters Mablethorpe Health Centre Coastal Transport The Coastal Academy