Submitted by Group Cinco Leslie Beal Rebecca Shurett Helen Young
Netiquette is a set of standards of behavior that should be followed by those who communicate using electronic means.
When communicating electronically, remember that the person receiving the communication can’t see you, or hear you. Write clearly and plainly so that your message will not be misconstrued. Refrain from writing in all capital letters… IT’S LIKE SHOUTING!
What would you do if you, or someone you know, had been receiving electronic messages that were progressively threatening in nature? Respond with equally threatening messages. Ignore them. Notify your service provider. Notify the police.
Cyber bullying is when one person is threatened, harassed, humiliated or otherwise targeted by another person using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones. Never respond or reply to these types of messages. Ignore the messages, if possible. If the messages continue, notify the police and/or your service provider.
There are two kinds of cyber bullying, direct attacks and cyber bullying by proxy. Some effects of cyber bullying include actual physical harm, emotional distress, and depression in the victim. In some cases, the victim will become the attacker. This can create a vicious cycle where the both people continue to send increasingly hurtful messages.
Talk to children about the consequences of cyber bullying, teach them to respect others. If you are angry at someone, don’t send them an electronic message. Sometimes we write things in a message that we would never say to the person face-to-face. Set a good example by taking a stand against bullying of all kinds.
Don't open from unknown senders, from senders with non-standard addresses, or with unusual words in subject lines. This confirms for the sender that your address is valid and opens the door for spammers to target you. Think before you forward . When you forward , you are giving out personal information such as the addresses of the person who sent it to you. Sometimes you may receive s asking for personal information. You should never reply to these types of s, in most cases the person asking wants your information in order to steal your identity.
Many people are under the misconception that “private” electronic communications are “private.” Be careful about the personal information you post on the web. Keep in mind that perspective colleges and employers will investigate your on-line behavior. The information they find could be a deciding factor as to whether you are accepted to the college, or offered the job.
A cyber bully can be just as dangerous as someone who bullies you in person. All electronic communications are private. It is okay to send threatening messages as a joke. You should never open an from someone you don’t know. Colleges and employers consider your online behavior before acceptance or hiring.
For more information about on-line netiquette, visit the following web sites:
Digital Responsibility
Electronic responsibility for actions and deeds which is either ethical or unethical.
Information on the Internet is: A. available for anyone to use as they want. B. easily used in documents because you are allowed to cut and paste. C. copyrighted and should be treated as other’s property. D. unreliable and should not be used as a source.
Sharing musical or entertainment files online among friends and family.
Digital Rights
Digital rights are freedoms extended to every student, administrator, teacher, parent, or community member. Digital Rights
If someone puts copyrighted material on the Internet and another person wants to use it, that person should: A. use it, if is for a good purpose. B. take it, use what you want. C. not use the information because it is too much trouble. D. ask permission from the author or at least cite the source.
In schools, students should be able to access all information online to protect freedom of access for everyone.
Digital Health
Most of the health factors are overlooked by both students and educators.
Through digital education, both students and educators become aware of the health problems associated with inadequate computer work areas.
Physical Problems May Include: CTS -Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Eye strain Eye Irritation Headache Back ache
CTS (Carpel Tunnel Syndrome) CTS is a painful, debilitation condition. It is caused by several factors such as genetic predisposition, health and lifestyle, and repetitive motion. Most cases found in children are from repetitive motion (keyboard use, game controllers, and computer mouse use)
Eye Strain and Eye Irritation Caused by lack of self-awareness in children. They lock their eyes onto the computer screen for long periods of time. The eyes become more wide open than normal. They blink less, causing dry, red, and irritated eyes.
Headache and Back Ache Caused by: Less than optimal lighting. Staying in the same position for prolonged periods of time. Glare on the computer screen. Adult-sized work stations that do not fit a child’s body.
The Solution: Ergonomic Environments Create workstations that fit a child’s size. Create areas with proper lighting (dimmer than normal classroom lighting). Watch for screen glare. Take frequent breaks to relax and stretch.
References 1. Computers and Health Retrieved 10/11/ American Optometric Association Retrieved 10/11/ MSU-Computer Science and Engineering Retrieved 10/17/ Computer Ergonomics rgonomics.htm Retrieved 10/17/2007