Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject
Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject
Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God The first human started out all alone God also reveals to us how He felt about that Gen 2:18 When the Bible reveals a discussion about marriage, it points back to what took place “at the beginning” cp. Mt 19:8
Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God The home is God’s first original “Divine Institution” The home is the training ground for society It is where we learn our social skills It is where we learn our civil responsibilities It is where we learn our spiritual obligations
Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God It was “not good” Adam was alone Gen 2:18 Compare to Gen 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31 This does not suggest God erred re: Adam It simply emphasizes that God recognized Adam was incomplete…in need of a partner “Meet” or “Suitable” = corresponding to; comparable; a “help of his (Adam’s) likeness”
Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God It was “not good” Adam was alone Gen 2:18 God did not “parade the animals” before Adam in the hopes he would find his companion God knew what He was doing He wanted Adam to realize, after seeing the animals paired off together, how badly he himself needed a companion and mate
Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God God let Adam fully experience his loneliness Even though God’s wisdom was evident within each animal before Adam (Rom 1:18-21), Adam’s companion was not before him This realization should help “modern man” be more appreciative of the “suitable” helper God has provided cp. Heb 13:4 1 Pet 3:7
Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God God put Adam to sleep before creating Eve God solved Adam’s problem of loneliness without any assistance or interference from man If given the chance, what kind of “help” would Adam have requested? Man’s help was made according to Divine wisdom and not according to what man thought, wanted
Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God The significance of the first woman is seen in the timing of her appearance She appeared only after everything was ready Ê A home Gen 2:8-10 Ë Provision for her maintenance Gen 2:15 Ì A husband who needed her, would appreciate her worth Gen 2:19-20
Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God Adam’s reaction to his helper Gen 2:23 He recognized her uniqueness…not like anything he had already seen v. 19 She was indeed “suitable” or “comparable” She was “bones of his bones and flesh of his flesh”…an acknowledgement of their likeness and a required loyalty cp. Gen 29:14 Judg 9:2
Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God Moses states a universal law for all marriages of all time to be successful Gen 2:24a Adam had no parents to leave “For this cause” Ù the Divine purpose for male-female companionship…the necessity of it So strong is this relationship that it supersedes any ties between parents and children
Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God Moses states a universal law for all marriages of all time to be successful Gen 2:24a There must be a “leaving” A termination or subjugation of an existing loyalty. This “leaving” must be physically, emotionally, and economically.
Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God Moses states a universal law for all marriages of all time to be successful Gen 2:24a There must be a “leaving” In many cases, the problem doesn’t seem to be daughters who haven’t “left” their fathers The problem in many early marriages is that a son has not “left” his mother
Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God Moses states a universal law for all marriages of all time to be successful Gen 2:24a There must also be a “cleaving” To be glued, cemented, or fastened firmly together. This is now the primary relationship. Other Biblical references where this is quoted Mt 19:5 Mk 10:7-8 1 Cor 6:16 Eph 5:31
Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God Man & Woman become “one flesh” Gen 2:24b This signifies the closeness at which they are to operate, exist, function in their relationship It certainly includes their sexual intimacy It would also include their “oneness” in terms of their goals and joint-purposes for all decisions re: their family cp. Jn 10:30 17:11, 21-22
Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject MARRIAGE – Love Designed By God The physical “one flesh” Gen 2:25 There must be present between a husband and his wife a close, physical intimacy Our bodies are not our own They belong to our spouses to fulfill legitimate sexual appetites 1 Cor 7:2b-4 There is no shame in “marriage nakedness”
Biblical Examinations Of An Emotional & Controversial Subject