1 QAF Network 25 th March pm Venue: Greenside Children’s Centre Facilitators Julie Gallagher & Elaine Johnson Early Years Provider Development Team
2 Care and Welfare This evening we are going to look at 2.1 within the the Care and Welfare section of the Early Years Quality Assurance Framework: 2.1 Safeguarding policy and procedures. Designated child Protection Officer/Safeguarding officer-names displayed for parents and staff, Accident and Incident records, Appropriate training for all staff around safeguarding, Anti bullying policy, Information sharing during gradual admission, CAF training accessed-certificates, Information available for staff and parents on procedures, Accident and incident monitoring forms, DBS review checklist, appropriate, appropriate storage of DBS records. Links with multi-agencies, Safeguarding audit, Safeguarding action plan, medication policies, Risk Assessments
3 Guest speakers Tania Brown- Local Authority Designated Officer/Safeguarding Advisor for Education To support with advice and good practice that settings should be following.
4 Are you meeting the EYFS requirements? From the information received tonight are there any areas you feel as a setting you need to develop? Any areas where there are gaps develop an action plan. Any changes or improvements, and impact this has had in your provision remember to keep evidence. Add this to your setting SEF.
5 New Document On your tables there is the front cover of the new legislation document regarding Disqualifications under the Childcare Act 2006 from DFE came out February To locate go on Gov.uk and type in the title and add February Information was shared at the PVI forum. The information has regard to people and those associated to people who may have a conviction to a related offence. This could lead to them being disqualified from working with children.
6 What do you want from future QAF networks? We value your input and views at the networks: Any thoughts for future networks? Rename?