Progressive Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, & Woodrow Wilson
Create this chart for your notes PRESIDENT T. ROOSEVELT W. TAFT W. WILSON Role of the Presidency Accomplishments & Policies NOTE: Turn your paper landscape (sideways. Fill the entire page but leave more space for the accomplishments.
Roosevelt Role of the Presidency Bully pulpit “Square Deal” *NOTE: You only have to copy the BOLD TERMS/EVENTS Role of the Presidency Bully pulpit Intervention (ex. Coal strike) “Square Deal” Domestic policy/program Expanded office of Pres.
Bully Pulpit + +
Square Deal D +
Roosevelt Accomplishments Economy Trust-buster Sherman Anti-trust Act Regulated railroads Elkins Act Hepburn Act Regulated food industry Meat Inspection Act (The Jungle) Pure Food & Drug Act T.R., a wrestling enthusiast, is depicted here as wrestling the Railroad Trust.
Trust Busting + +
Public Health and Safety + & +
Roosevelt’s Accomplishments Cont. Environment conservation Created National Parks Newlands Reclamation Act John Muir Conservationist!
Hug A Tree A
Roosevelt’s Accomplishments Cont. Political Election of 1912 Progressive Bull Moose candidate New Nationalism Set laws to protect workers & ensure public health & regulate business
Taft Role of the presidency Handpicked successor to Taft Lawyer mentality Progressive goals secured but NOT expanded Lost support of party
William Howard Taft + +
Taft’s Accomplishments Trust-buster Continued Roosevelt’s efforts Environment Lack of commitment to conservation
Taft’s Accomplishments cont. Political 16th Amendment Congress could tax income Election of 1912 Republican candidate Split votes with T. Roosevelt
Wilson Role of the presidency Expanded the Pres. Zealous reformer Fought political machines
Woodrow Wilson + +
Wilson’s Accomplishments Political Election of 1912 Democratic candidate 19th Amendment (1920) Women get the right to vote! New Freedom Tariff reductions, banking reform, stronger anti-trust legislation
Wilson cont. Economy (3 parts) Tariff Reduction Banking Reform Stronger anti-trust laws
Wilson’s Accomplishments Cont. Tariff Reduction 1st priority of Wilson Gov’t getting less income (from tariffs) > taxed income (graduated) Poor are taxed less Rich are taxed more
Tariff Reduction + + +
Banking Reform 1913 Federal Reserve Act Created a central fund banks could borrow from to prevent a collapse during financial panic Created 3-tiered banking system Federal Reserve Banks Serve banks NOT people Private banks Banks supervised by federal gov’t
Banking Reform + 4 + + …mmm
Stronger anti-trust laws Clayton Anti-trust Act Extended Sherman Act Prohibited companies from buying stocks in competing companies to form a monopoly Supported workers Made strikes & peaceful boycotts legal
Stronger Antitrust Laws + + + +
Matching/Review (no notes!) Which Pres. continued trust-busting efforts? Which Pres. was associated with environmental conservation? Which Pres. won in 1912 because of a split in Republican votes? Who helped pass the 16th amendment? Who used the Presidency as a bully pulpit? Who helped pass the Meat Inspection Act after reading The Jungle? Which Pres. reformed the banking system with Federal Reserve?