Bootez Presents William H. Taft
William Taft Born in 1857, the son of a distinguished judge, he graduated from Yale, and returned to Cincinnati to study and practice law. He rose in politics through Republican judiciary appointments, through his own competence and availability, and because, as he once wrote facetiously, he always had his "plate the right side up when offices were falling."
at 34. He aspired to be a member of the Supreme Court, but his wife, Helen Herron Taft, held other ambitions for him.
Sympathetic toward the Filipinos, he improved the economy, built roads and schools, and gave the people at least some participation in government.
President Roosevelt made him Secretary of War, and by 1907 had decided that Taft should be his successor
Taft disliked the campaign--"one of the most uncomfortable four months of my life. Ba ck to ima ge resu ltsBa ck to ima ge resu lts See full size ima ge 96 × k - jpg - ww w.tb we.c om/.../Wi llia m_T aft_t n.jpg Ima ge may be subj ect to copy right. Belo w is the ima ge at: ww w.tb we.c om/ ente rtain men t/pre side nts.h tm? Pag e=3 ww w.tb we.c om/ ente rtain men t/pre side nts.h tm? Pag e=3 Remo ve frame
" Roosevelt has cut enough hay," they said; "Taft is the man to put it into the barn.
Big Bill" was over 300 pounds and 6'2". Needing a big bathtub, he had a 7' long 41" wide tub installed that could accommodate 4 normal-sized men.
The heaviest president at 332 pounds, Taft struggled all his adult life with a weight problem. He got stuck in the White House bathtub and had to have an oversized version brought in for his use.
William Taft, Military Experience - no military experience and there were no wars fought during his term
William Taft died on March 8, 1930 in Washington D.C.
reference /williamhowardtaft