Literature Review Taken From: University of Washington Psychology Writing Center.


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Presentation transcript:

Literature Review Taken From: University of Washington Psychology Writing Center

2 Main Approaches Choose an area of research, read all the relevant studies and organize them in a meaningful way Choose an organizing theme or a point that you want to make, the select your studies accordingly

Two Purposes To thoroughly describe work done on specific area of research To evaluate this work –Identify relations, contradictions, gaps, and inconsistencies in the literature and by suggesting the next step needed to solve the research problem –Compare studies in terms of assumptions about the research question, experimental method, data analysis and any conclusions drawn

Select a Research Topic Select a topic of current interest Select a well-researched area Narrow Plan on spending half of your time selecting a topic and reading articles and the other half writing

Collect the relevant articles Do a preliminary search on PsycInfo Further narrow your topic if necessary Find your pivotal article –what article do all the other articles cite Do an author search and see what other articles the author has written (PsycInfo) See who has cited those authors (SSCI) –Find readable articles –Identify accessible articles

Reading the Articles Read the easier articles first Scan the articles –Identify the research question –Specific hypotheses –The findings –How the findings were interpreted Read abstract, look at graphs and read discussion Jot down main conclusion of articles on a summary sheet or next to the abstract Now do a careful read of the articles and look for differences in theoretical outlook

Writing the Literature Review Number of articles reviewed –5-15 Length –8-20 pages Organization –Introduce research question] –Narrow research question to the studies discussed –Briefly outline the organization of the paper E.g., 3 methods have been used and each will be described and a comparison among them will be made

Writing the Literature Review Describe studies in detail Compare and evaluate studies Discus implication of studies USE CONCEPTUAL HEADINGS: –Read 5 articles first then write headings –Literature is S D s for what you write as headings not other way around –Headings are conclusions not predictions Definition of terms Description of research question What population have been used Skills taught using this teaching procedure Studies that measured a particular variable Studies that did not measure a particular variable

Writing the Literature Review Write the Introduction –Start off with the research question and progressively narrow it. –State the specific lines of research you will be discussing –Establish a brisk but even pace Avoid sudden jumps in logic It is your job to make reading your article as easies as possible on the reader –assume nothing about their background

Writing the Literature Review Describe each article –Compare research assumptions, research theories tested, hypotheses stated, research designs used, variables selected, equipment used, instruction given, results obtained, interpretation of results, researcher speculations about future studies –If you’re having trouble here, then you don’t thoroughly understand the articles. Go back and read them again Evaluate the work don in the area you are researching –State strengths and weaknesses and what remains to be done. –Assertions must be well supported by evidence –Recommend future studies

Recommendations –Don’t start writing too early –you’ll write in circles because you don’t have anything to say –Leave time for breaks to get a fresh perspective –Use specific language and support your arguments with concrete examples Don’t say “this illustrates” say “this experiment illustrates” Use as few words as possible (write actively) Never use a word with more syllables if the small word says the same thing “utilize and use” Paragraphs need a main point –Paraphrase NEVER quote –Evaluate what you report Synthesize the research, not just describe it –Avoid plagiarism –give credit