Weekly Plan template for theme-based area activities that support literacy development
The Theme Outline the main theme for the week and any related themes (e.g., the Rainforest as a main theme, with climate and weather as related themes) The Flower Garden Room 5 and Rockport Flowers, Garden, Families, Colors Reading the book aloud Print Awareness- Title Page: Discuss the author and the illustrator Using Pictures : Point to the pictures to help guess the word (point to the smiling faces on the bus for the word “smiling”) Comprehension- Make predictions: Ask children what will happen Feelings: Ask how does the little girl feel and how do you know? Alphabetic Principle- Hide F picture/word cards around the room to find and identify
Goals What are your literacy goals for the week? Phonological awareness and/or Fluency Vocabulary development Reading comprehension Alphabetic Principle
Blocks Theme-based activities in this area to support Phonological awareness and/or Fluency Vocabulary development Add pictures of city buildings with the names of the type of building on the blocks to build with Reading comprehension Alphabetic Principle Add the book C is for City Build with blocks with letters on them to create their own city like in book Flower Garden
Dramatic Play Theme-based activities in this area to support Phonological awareness and/or Fluency Vocabulary development Picture/ word cards of flowers in the book Flower Garden Reading comprehension Non-Fiction books about flowers and plants Alphabetic Principle
Toys and Games Theme-based activities in this area to support Phonological awareness and/or Fluency Vocabulary development Reading comprehension Alphabetic Principle
Art Theme-based activities in this area to support Phonological awareness and/or Fluency Vocabulary development Reading comprehension Alphabetic Principle
Library Theme-based activities in this area to support Phonological awareness and/or Fluency Vocabulary development Reading comprehension Alphabetic Principle
Discovery Theme-based activities in this area to support Phonological awareness and/or Fluency Vocabulary development Reading comprehension Alphabetic Principle
Sand and Water Theme-based activities in this area to support Phonological awareness and/or Fluency Vocabulary development Reading comprehension Alphabetic Principle
Music and Movement Theme-based activities in this area to support Phonological awareness and/or Fluency Vocabulary development Reading comprehension Alphabetic Principle
Cooking Theme-based activities in this area to support Phonological awareness and/or Fluency Vocabulary development Reading comprehension Alphabetic Principle
Computers Theme-based activities in this area to support Phonological awareness and/or Fluency Vocabulary development Reading comprehension Alphabetic Principle
Outdoors Theme-based activities in this area to support Phonological awareness and/or Fluency Vocabulary development Reading comprehension Alphabetic Principle
Family and Community Theme-based activities to help families support Phonological awareness Vocabulary development Reading comprehension Alphabetic Principle and Fluency