Starter Exercise Log on to the internet and try to find pictures that represent these companies. Google NTL British Telecom Tesco Ford Motors Adidas
For all your gardening needs
We are learning to Determine what makes a good business logo Design our own logos based on what we have learnt Use the computers to create the logos we have designed
What I’m looking for Students who can: Understand and identify the features of an effective logo Design their own logos on paper Use the computers to create these logos Evaluate their friends logos in an appropriate way
What makes an effective logo? Here are some examples
Designing Logos on Paper for “The Courtyard Garden Centre” Your First Task Use the worksheet (in 4 sections) Sketch an idea for a logo in each of the four spaces. For each one, note its main features You have 15 mins to do this
Creating your logo on the computer Your Next Task Now choose the best of your four logos and create this on the computer You should use PowerPoint as it will help you create your logo (changing colours, etc) You have about 15 mins to do this
Reviewing your friends logo Your Next Task Look at the logo of the person sitting next to you Write down three good points and three things that could be improved Remember: be constructive You have 5 mins to do this
Creating a letter heading for your logo Your Next Task This needs to be done in Word Must include the School Address: You have 5 mins to do this Post Green Road Lytchett Minster Dorset BH16 6JD
Plenary Note down three features of a good logo that you have learnt during this lesson. You have 2 mins, I will be asking what you have written