27/September./2008Satellite Meeting on Super Tau-Charm Factory 1 Search for -> /e at the Super- -charm Factory [Comments from Belle experience] This talk is based on a study done for Super-B factory by T. Iijima, K. Hayasaka (Nagoya U.) H. Hayashii (Nara)
27/September./2008Satellite Meeting on Super Tau- Charm Factory 2 Introduction Lepton flavor violation (LFV) in charged lepton ⇒ negligibly small probability in the Standard Model (SM) even including neutrino oscillation - Br( →ℓ ) <O( ) Why SM + m prediction is so small ? (or e) W-W- γ : PMNS neutrino mixing matrix :Neutrino mass square difference -Lepton Flavor is conserved accidentally. -If O(1TeV) particles exit, Br is enhanced significantly, Theory needs some suppression mechanism. -Almost all Beyond Standard Model predict LFV
27/September./2008Satellite Meeting on Super Tau- Charm Factory 3 Status of LFV Decay Searches (Tau08) (based on data) B-factory CLEO ℓf 0 (980) ℓℓℓ ℓhh’ ℓV0ℓV0 ℓℓ ℓ//0ℓ//0 ℓKs Upper limits for LFV decay Improve by factor ~100 from CLEO update from TAU06
27/September./2008Satellite Meeting on Super Tau- Charm Factory 4 → e (PLB666,16(2008)) Data: 535fb -1 Br( → )<4.5x10 -8 at 90%C.L. Br( →e )<1.2x10 -7 at 90%C.L. Results from Belle (1) signal data → → (→ ) →e/ +( ’ ) (PLB648, 341 (2007)) Data: 401fb -1 Expected BG : ( ) events N obs : 1 event Br( → , ’, 0 )<(6.5-13)x10 -8 Br( →e ,e ’,e 0 )<(8.0-16)x10 -8 signal region Final state: 1-prong decays and others Remaining many BG from e + e - → + - sensitivity is limits by the background
27/September./2008Satellite Meeting on Super Tau- Charm Factory 5 Super-B and Super -c Factory B-factory ( nb, root(s)=10.6 GeV) L =10 36 cm -1 s -1 /year Super-B at Roma =3x10 35 cm -1 s -1 Super KEKB -c factory ( nb, root(s)=4.25 GeV) L= cm -1 s x10 9 /year -Final reach depends on, efficiency, background -Typical efficiency in B-factory exp.: 5-10%. -Background
27/September./2008Satellite Meeting on Super Tau- Charm Factory 6 Super B-factory Expected sensitivity →ℓ Br~O(10 -8~9 ) →ℓℓℓ, l+meson Br~O(10 -9~10 ) ▲ Super (KEK)B-factory:(10~50) ab -1 Br( → )<3x10 -1 Current Br( → ) <3.2x10 -1 Super (KEK) B GOAL: Improve the sensitivity by additional factor of 100 and achieve and >e Background dominated
27/September./2008Satellite Meeting on Super Tau- Charm Factory 7 Some detail of search e + e + e e generic decay signal event (signal side) 1 prong + missing ( tag side) for signal event signal MC 3 ellipse: blinded region signal extraction: M E plane blind analysis -Tag side is not muon.
27/September./2008Satellite Meeting on Super Tau- Charm Factory 8 Analysis of search II Main BGs: – +ISR ( ) – +ISR Requirement on missing mass usefulto reduce BG (signal: 1or2 ; :>2 ) signal extraction: –Unbinned Extended Maximum Likelihood fit likelihood function: e e ISR BG: +ISR e e ISR BG: +ISR generic decay signal data
27/September./2008Satellite Meeting on Super Tau- Charm Factory 9 Result of search Lum:535fb -1 (Belle) more tight requirements to reduce BG than the previous 86 fb-1. remaining events: 94ev./535fb -1 signal detection eff.: 11% 6.7% signal region: 5 box 2 ellipse signal extraction: UEML fit result:s= 3.9, b=13.9 (allow negative s and its prob. 25%) Br<4.5x10 -8 at 90%C.L. signal data 2D fit on M E plane blinded region
27/September./2008Satellite Meeting on Super Tau- Charm Factory 10 BG events in analysis If we can remove BG events caused by ISR completely… When we run an accelerator with lower energy than (4s), Can we reduce these ISR BG events? 1.5 ab -1 generic MC sample removed by MC generator info. 90% events removed!
27/September./2008Satellite Meeting on Super Tau- Charm Factory 11 ISR Spectrum At near threshold –E for ee background cannot be as high as E for . –Background from ee will become more important. good MUID is essential. E (CMS) from and ISR( ) (4s) maximum
27/September./2008Satellite Meeting on Super Tau- Charm Factory 12 Summary Background source: 1) ISR ee-> 2) ee-> where tag-side muon is miss identified as pion. Achievable sensitivity in Super (KEK) B-factory sensitivity will be limited by ISR BG although there is a room to optimize selection criteria. High intensity c factory running at root (s)= 4.25 GeV is ideal place for as well as ->e searches. Very good separation is essential to suppress ee-> background.
27/September./2008Satellite Meeting on Super Tau- Charm Factory 13 Backup Slide
27/September./2008Satellite Meeting on Super Tau- Charm Factory 14 pair production cross section Threshold at 3.55GeV Maximum at 4.25GeV ( ( (4s))x 4) : velocity of B-factory