How to reconcile G n M Hampton University and Jefferson Lab Virginia, USA Hall C User Meeting 2008, Jefferson Lab, August 4-5, 2008 Michael Kohl
2 Pre-polarization era G n M world data from unpolarized experiments Cross section ratio quasielastic + CLAS preliminary Polarization era G n M world data + 3 He Neutron Magnetic Form Factor G n M d(e,e’n) d(e,e’p) + BLAST preliminary *Ph.D. work of N. Meitanis (MIT) and B. O’Neill (ASU) PRELIMINARY No pol. data >0.6 (GeV/c) 2 Discrepancy of several at Q 2 ~ (GeV/c) 2 Uncertainties >0.9 (GeV/c) 2 ?
3 The BLAST Detector Left-right symmetric Large acceptance: 0.1 < Q 2 /(GeV/c) 2 < o < < 80 o, -15 o < < 15 o COILS B max = 3.8 kG DRIFT CHAMBERS Tracking, PID (charge) p/p=3%, = 0.5 o CERENKOV COUNTERS e/ separation SCINTILLATORS Trigger, ToF, PID ( /p) NEUTRON COUNTERS Neutron tracking (ToF) DRIFT CHAMBERS CERENKOV COUNTERS SCINTILLATORS NEUTRON COUNTERS TARGET BEAM COILS
4 NC TOF CC WC NC LADS L20 L15 upstreamdownstream 1 m Target Spin Orientation Freedom of in-plane spin angle 32 o (2004) / 47 o (2005) 32 o e- left → * 90 o “spin-perpendicular” e- right → * 0 o “spin-parallel”
5 Extraction of G n M Quasielastic 2 H(e,e’) inclusive Full Montecarlo simulation of the BLAST experiment Deuteron electrodisintegration by H. Arenhövel Accounted for FSI,MEC,RC,IC Beam-target vector asymmetry A V ed spin-parallel + perpendicular show sensitivity to G n M PWIA: BLASTMC
6 Extraction of G n M Enhanced sensitivity in super ratio Independent of polarization BLASTMC *Ph.D. work of N. Meitanis (MIT) and B. O’Neill (ASU) * 50% variation in GMn 20% variation in R
7 IncAs: Simultaneous measurement of inclusive beam- vector asymmetries in quasifree kinematics with 2 target spin orientations relative to momentum transfer Polarized deuterium target (UVA), d ~= 45 o (left) P b *P t = 0.8*0.3 = 0.24, L=10 34 / (cm 2 s) HMS (right) + Bigcal (left) / use solid angle 6msr single-arm (e,e’) left and right at symmetric angle How to reconcile G n M around 1 (GeV/c) 2 e’: HMS, 25 o -60 o e’: Bigcal, 25 o -60 o D-Spin: ~45 o e - : E=(0.85), 1.2, 2.4 GeV
8 IncAs: e vs. Q 2 and count rate Kinematic coverage
9 IncAs: e vs. Q 2 and count rate Kinematic coverage Counts per day at / (cm 2 s) and 6 msr solid angle
10 IncAs: * vs. Q 2 d = 45 o Angle between target spin and momentum transfer d = 75 o
11 IncAs: Inclusive Asymmetries: d =45 o A p p +A n n p + n A = Error bars corresponding to 1 day / 6 msr / cm -2 s -1 / P b P t =0.24
12 IncAs: Inclusive Asymmetries: d =45 o A p p +A n n p + n A = Effect of GMn opposite in left and right sectors 50% variation of GMn Error bars corresponding to 1 day / 6 msr / cm -2 s -1 / P b P t =0.24
13 IncAs: Inclusive Asymmetries: d =45 o Error bars corresponding to 1 day / 6 msr / cm -2 s -1 / P b P t =0.24
14 IncAs: Inclusive Asymmetries: d =45 o 50% variation in GMn 50% variation in R Error bars corresponding to 1 day / 6 msr / cm -2 s -1 / P b P t =0.24
15 IncAs: A precision GMn measurement 2.4GeV/25 o 2 s) 1.2GeV/50 o 3% statistics: 6msr – HMS (right) 60msr – Bigcal (left) Dilution = 0.25 P b P t = 0.8*0.33 I = 100 nA L=3.4x10 35 /(cm 2 s) 5 days per point
16 IncAs: Inclusive Asymmetries Inclusive asymmetries powerful tool for high precision measurement of GMn Excellent control of systematic uncertainties through cancellations (eff., lumin., pol., …) Super ratio method with enhanced sensitivity to GMn – no precise knowledge of polarization required For perp/par kinematics, dR/R ~= dGMn/GMn IncAs = Polarization method beyond He-3 SANE and g1d to use polarized deuterium in Hall C Relevance for determining target polarization in g1d from asymmetries Squeeze it in (?) … or submit Loi/Proposal to PAC34 for consideration after 12 GeV upgrade