1 DISCOVERY OF ATMOSPHERIC MUON NEUTRINO OSCILLATIONS Prologue First Hint in Kamiokande Second Hint in Kamiokande Evidence found in Super-Kamiokande Nov-12 Accident Progress in the K2K Experiment Future Yoji Totsuka For Kamiokande and Super-Kamiokande Collaborators
2 Kamiokande Detector (Kamioka Nucleon Decay Experiment) Search for proton decay 3000ton water cm PMT (20% photo coverage) 1000m underground Min det. energy ~ 20 MeV (later ~ 7 MeV)
3 Atmospheric Neutrinos (1) The most severe background to proton decay search 100MeV – 1000GeV : e ~ 2 : 1 (low E ) p, He νeνe Super- K μ±μ± νμνμ π±π± atmosphere e±e± earth
4 Interaction in the rock FC + PC through-going muons stopping muons Initial neutrino energy spectrum FC Through-going muons Stopping muons Event topology PC e + N e + X + N + X + N + X
5 First Hint (2.87kt·yr, 1988) dataMC events e events e single ring (0.34± 0.05) (0.47) -like e-like
6 /e Identification with a test beam
7 Earth Up-down symmetry of the flux Atmospheric Neutrinos (2)
8 Second Hint (7.7kt·yr, 1994) sub-GeV dataMC events e events e single ring -like e-like
9 40m 41.4m Super-Kamiokande (1996) ton water cm PMT (40% photo coverage) 1000m underground Min det. energy ~ 5 MeV
10 Evidence for Oscillation of Atmospheric Neutrinos (33.0kt·yr, 1998) sub-GeV dataMC (+-20%) single ring -like e-like
11 Upward-going muons
12 2 =170.8/170 d.o.f. at (sin 2 2 23, m 23 2 )=(1.00, 2.0x10 -3 eV 2 ) 2 =445.2/172 d.o.f. (null oscillation) 1489 day FC+PC data day upward going muon data
13 Allowed region of the oscillation parameters Assuming oscillation Best fit 2 min = 170.8/170 d.o.f at (sin 2 2 23 m 23 2 ) = (1.0, 2.0 x eV 2 ) 90% CL allowed region sin 2 2 23 > x10 -3 < m 23 2 <3.0x10 -3 (eV 2 ) Assuming null oscillation 2 = 445.2/172 d.o.f (complete SK-I dataset) Soudan-2 MACRO Super-K 68% CL 90% CL 99% CL
14 Nov-12 Accident 6777 ID OD PMTs destroyed
15 Partial rebuilding 5248 ID PMTs (47% of pre-accident density) 1885 OD PMTs Ready by end 2002 Full rebuilding Additional 5898 new ID PMTs Ready by April 2007 As of April 1 Resurrection
16 Next steps Tau appearance + N - + X Oscillation pattern Dip in L/E distribution P( ) = 1 - cos 4 sin 2 2 sin 2 (1.27 m 23 2 L/E ) - P( e ) P( e ) = sin 2 2 sin 2 sin 2 (1.27 m 13 2 L/E ) 70 yr Monte Carlo m 2 =2.5×10 -3 eV 2
17 K2K long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment 5.6×10 19 pot (June 1999 – July 2001) 250 km
18 Best fit 1R spectrum & Nsk Best fit point (sin 2 2 23, m 23 2 ) = (1.0, 2.8x10 -3 eV 2 ) KS test prob.(shape): 79% N SK =54 (Obs.=56) Very good agreement in shape & N SK with atmospheric neutrinos Expected w/o oscillation Normalized w/o oscillation Normalized with best fit oscillation Total number of obs. Events: 5616 (Jan03-Apr03) Expected w/o oscillation:
19 T2K (Tokai-to-Kamioka) J-PARC Hyper-Kamiokande
20 JHFMINOSK2K E(GeV) Int.(10 12 ppp) Rate(Hz) Power(MW) Phase-II GeV JHF PS 2007 Kamioka
21 Expected sensitivities (5yrs) ×10 -4 True m 23 2 (eV 2 ) (sin 2 2 ) ~ 0.01 ( m 2 ) ~ <1×10 -4 OAB-2degree disappearance w/ beam MC, & full SK det. simulation (sin 2 2 ) ( m 23 2 ) excluded by reactor ~0.5 sin 2 2 13 >0.006 (90%) sin 2 2 13 >0.018 (3 ) x20 Sensitivity in 5 years NBB 1.5GeV NBB 3 GeV e appearance
22 Hyper-Kamiokande (1Mt water) Precision neutrino oscillation study Proton decay search R&D (complete in 2 years) Cavity excavation and its stability New light detector: Hybrid Photo- Detector, HPD (50cm )
23 Thank you
24 Oscillation Among 3 Flavors P( e ) = sin 2 2 sin 2 sin 2 (1.27 m 13 2 L/E ) P( ) = 1 - cos 4 sin 2 2 sin 2 (1.27 m 23 2 L/E ) - P( e ) sin 2 13 < 0.1, cos 4 13 ~ 1 (from the CHOOZ experiment) sin 2 2 ~ sin 2 2 23 ~ 1, sin 2 2 e = sin 2 2 13 sin 2 23 ~ 0.5 sin 2 2 13 ~ 2|U e3 | 2 m3m3 m2m1m2m1 m 3 >> m 2 > m 1