Science Fair Title Name Period Mrs. Meyer
Prior Research These 3 paragraphs should include 5-7 sentences that will explain ideas that will help you understand what is occurring in your experiment. It should start with an attention grabber to get the reader interested in your experiment.
Prior Research
Problem/Question The research question should be in question form, clearly stated and testable
Hypothesis If the (IV) is related to (DV) and (Experiment) then (Predication). This will happen because (scientific reason why from your prior research).
Variables Independent Variable: (Write in complete sentences) Dependent Variable: (Write in complete sentences)
Variables: Constants: (Write in complete sentences) Control: (Write in complete sentences)
Materials The materials should be bulleted, very specific, and aligned with the procedures.
Procedures Procedures should be listed step-by- step. You should be able to visualize the experiment as you read the procedures.
Data Table You should have a clearly labeled data table for this section. (Copy and paste here from Excel)
Graph You should have a clearly labeled graph for this section. (Copy and paste here from Excel)
Scientific Pictures
Discussion of Results This conclusion should be in paragraph form. It should discuss whether the hypothesis was supported or not, and what you have learned about your research question. Also discuss what kinds of errors may have occurred and then finally state in what way the experiment is related to real life situations.
Conclusion This is where you talk about what you found in your data that was collected. (The data you collected should be referenced in this section.)
Future Research This should be written in paragraph form and should re-emphasize experimental errors that may have affected your results and how they will be corrected. If this experiment were to be done again, how would it be changed or expanded upon.
Abstract A one page summary of the project and should include: the research question, hypothesis, procedures (not in a list), data collected and the conclusion. This should be in paragraph form. DO NOT COMPLETE THIS PART UNTIL THE END OF THE PROJECT.
References Your references should include at least 5 sources that support your research. This could include websites, books, magazines, etc.