2011-T2 Lecture 21 School of Engineering and Computer Science, Victoria University of Wellington Marcus Frean, Lindsay Groves, and Peter Andreae, VUW COMP 103 John Lewis Review 2
2 Help desk: Thursday 13 and 20 in CO254, 3pm (Michael and Roma’s office) Also this week at regular time/place (3pm Co242a)
3 Exam Answer the easy questions first Look at previous year’s exams Solidify your knowledge by comparing things List vs Array? Queue vs list? List vs BST? Array vs BST? …. Be able to describe to your friend: the algorithm, its complexity, its advantage, disadvantage Other similar courses online, wikipedia, etc.
4 Implement one data structure in terms of others Ex: priority queue using heap Queue using linked list Stack using linked list
5 Binary search – BST
6 Sorts Heap, Tree, Merge, Quick… Worst case time? Memory?
7 Analysing Sorting Algorithms Efficiency What is the (worst-case) order of the algorithm ? Is the average case much faster than worst-case ? Requirements on Data Does the algorithm need random-access data? Does it need anything more than “compare” and “swap” ? Space Usage Can the algorithm sort in-place, or does it need extra space ? Stability Is the algorithm “stable” (will it ever reverse the order of equivalent items?) Performance on Nearly Sorted Data Is the algorithm faster when given sorted (or nearly sorted) data ? (All items close to where they should be, or only a few out of order.) 7
8 Design decisions... We could sort Lists ⇒ general and flexible but efficiency depends on how the List is implemented or just sort Arrays ⇒ less general efficiency is well defined NB: method toArray() converts any Collection to an array We could require items to be Comparable i.e. any item can call compareTo(otherObj)...on another ("natural ordering") OR provide a Comparator i.e. the sorter can call compare(obj1, obj2)...on any two items. We will sort an Array, using a Comparator: public void …Sort(E[] data, int size, Comparator comp) number of items 8 comparator array
Selecting Sorts Selection Sort (slow) HeapSort (fast) search for minimum here 10
11 Insertion Sort (slow) Shell Sort (pretty fast) Merge Sort (fast) (Divide and Conquer) Inserting Sorts How would you describe this in words?
13 HeapSort Given an array of n items: (a) re-order them into a Heap from 0 to n-1: for i = (n-1)/2 down to 0 pushdown(i) now we have a heap! "heapify"
14 HeapSort Given an array of n items: (a) re-order them into a Heap from 0 to n-1: for i = (n-1)/2 down to 0 pushdown(i) (b) for pos = n -1 down to 0 treat 0 ⋯ pos-1 as a heap poll item and place into position pos etc etc ! Sorted → in-place dequeueing... "heapify" and so on!
15 HeapSort (a) Turn data into a heap (b) Repeatedly swap root with last item and push down public void heapSort(E[] data, int size, Comparator comp) { for (int I = (size-1)/2; I >= 0; i--) pushDown(i, data, size, comp); while (size > 0) { size--; swap(data, size, 0); pushDown(0, data, size, comp); } "heapify" in-place dequeueing
16 recursion Y X B X B M M A A Prints: X Y B A M
17 recursion Y X B X B M M A A Prints: X Y B A M
18 Programming review == versus equals() Assignment: copy versus reference ArrayList a = new ArrayList (); a.add(1); a.add(2); a.add(3); a.add(4); ArrayList b = a; b.set(1,100); printArr(a); printArr(b);