Visual Dexterity Hearing Language Learning Difficulties
Section 508 Refresh Section 255 Telecom U.S. State Accessibility Section 508 Refresh Section 255 Telecom U.S. State Accessibility United Nations G3ict (Global Initiative for Inclusive ICT) EC – Mandate 376 i2010 Initiative Member States Accessibility EC – Mandate 376 i2010 Initiative Member States Accessibility Japan JIS-X8341 Japan JIS-X8341 Australia: Disability Discrimination Act 6 UK: Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) OAS / L.A. / S.A Country Policies New Zealand Government Web Standards
Need recognized in 1988 because of shortcomings in Swedish Library Talking Books and Braille In 1996 the DAISY Consortium is formed to create and promote a new digital talking book standard Today, DAISY is an ANSI/NISO standard that’s use is mandated by law in many areas (e.g. text books K-12 in the U.S) DAISY = Digital Accessible Information SYstem Standard for producing accessible and navigable multimedia documents. In current practice, these documents are Digital Talking Books, digital text books, or a combination of synchronized audio and text books. Using the DAISY Standard, content creators, such as a library serving people who are blind or visually impaired or a book publisher can produce accessible and navigable books to meet a variety of reading needs.
<Buttonx:Name="openBookButton" AutomationProperties.Name="Open Book" AutomationProperties.HelpText="Open a Daisy book from your local computer" AutomationProperties.AcceleratorKey="O"...<Button><Buttonx:Name="openBookButton" AutomationProperties.Name="Open Book" AutomationProperties.HelpText="Open a Daisy book from your local computer" AutomationProperties.AcceleratorKey="O"...<Button>
if(SystemParameters.HighContrast) ContrastScheme = ContrastLevel.BlackTextOnWhite; if(SystemParameters.HighContrast) ContrastScheme = ContrastLevel.BlackTextOnWhite;
Remaining Time: Stump the Chumps
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