Status of PDS A.Lebedev MIT AMS TIM Meeting, Houston, January 2007
3 PDS EM “History” Produced and tested at CGS Moved to ETHZ and tested Now at CERN for software development (Shoudong Xu) While at CERN some “random” tests done: –Inrush current measurement with TPD –Inrush current measurement with TTCE load –Short circuit protection investigations…
4 PDS Testing at ETHZ (1) TEST REPORT The Engineering Model of the AMS Power Distribution System (PDS-EM) K.S. Kim (EWHA & ETH-Z) and M. Capell, A. Lebedev, A. Koulemzine (MIT) V. Commichau, HP. v. Gunten, U. Röser, G. M. Viertel (ETH-Z) S. Alia, C. Pini (CGS) M.W. Lee (KNU & ETH-Z) ETH-Z, March 2006
5 PDS Testing at ETHZ (2) CAN I/F: –CAN bus connection between 2 connectors –CAN I/F have wrong latchup protection –CAN I/F 31 internal DC/DC converter broken Input Section telemetry calibration 20% off ESEM3B (120V): –Status readout errors –Telemetry calibration 50% off –Outlet 8 fuse blown during short circuit test
6 PDS Testing at ETHZ (3) PB2-1 (120V to 28V DC/DC converter): –Telemetry calibration 50% off PB2-2 (120V to 28V DC/DC converter): –Telemetry calibration 50% off PB2-3 (120V to 28V DC/DC converter): –Status readout errors –Telemetry calibration 50% off PB2-4 (120V to 28V DC/DC converter) was shipped to CGS for repair. CGS found a broken line on the PCB and an incorrectly mounted MOSFET.
7 PDS Testing at ETHZ (4) PB2-1 (120V to 28V DC/DC converter): –Telemetry calibration 50% off PB2-2 (120V to 28V DC/DC converter): –Telemetry calibration 50% off PB2-3 (120V to 28V DC/DC converter): –Status readout errors –Telemetry calibration 50% off PB2-4 (120V to 28V DC/DC converter) was shipped to CGS for repair. CGS found a broken line on the PCB and an incorrectly mounted MOSFET.
8 PDS Testing at ETHZ (5) ESEM3A-1 (28V): –Status readout errors –Telemetry calibration 50% off –Outlet 1 always on, was sent to CGS, short was found later in PDS cabling. ESEM3A-2 (28V): –Status readout errors –Telemetry calibration 50% off –Outlet 3 always off, was sent to CGS bad soldering of the component ‘U10’ was found.
9 PDS Testing at ETHZ (6) ESEM3A-3 (28V): –Status readout errors –Telemetry calibration 50% off ESEM4A-3 (28V): –Status readout errors –Telemetry calibration 50% off ESEM1A (PDS INTERNAL POWER): –Status readout errors –Telemetry calibration 50% off –Was sent CGS for repair. After repair shows same behavior as before
10 PDS Testing at ETHZ (7) Additional Observation When the ESEM1A, ESEM3A-1 and ESEM3A-2 came back from repair at CGS, all boards were installed in the PDS. The ESEM3A-1 and ESEM3A-3 disabled the FPGA of PB2-3 and PB2- 4 functioning and the outlet ON/OFF command provoked a PDS "suicide" for unknown reason. All boards, except for the CAN I/F (#30), were moved to the B-side and the same abnormal behavior was found. Removing the ESEM3A-1 and ESEM3A-3 solved the problem.
11 PDS Testing at ETHZ (8) Found 32 issues in total Corresponding NCRs were sent to CGS After repair almost all boards are OK
17 REMAINING TESTS TO BE DONE Thermal Interlock Circuit Test Inrush Current Measurement Temperature Telemetry Calibration of Each Board EMI Test Magnet Field Test CAN BUS I/F Verification PDS Power Characterization Test for Case J,K,L (CGS, refer to the chapter 15)